Business management

How to draw up a business plan in construction

How to draw up a business plan in construction

Video: Construction Business Plan 2024, July

Video: Construction Business Plan 2024, July

Construction and repair work has always been in demand. New housing is constantly being built, and the old is periodically in need of repair. Properly organized construction business is the first step to obtaining a stable profit of the enterprise. You need to start designing a construction organization with the development of a business plan.


Instruction manual


A business plan is a document that reflects all the activities of your future enterprise. It reflects all sources of income and expenses. To promote your construction business, you need to draw up a business plan correctly.


Take advantage of classic business plan tips. Make out the title page of the document. Enter in it the full name of your construction company, the name of the project organizer, the terms of the plan and the date of its preparation, contact details of the company.


Develop the basic business idea of ​​your company. Choose what type of construction work you plan to do: directly erect buildings or carry out repairs. Indicate the factors that will contribute to the successful promotion of the construction company under your leadership. This may be low competition in your service sector or other positive aspects.


Indicate the type of your construction company: LLC or IP. Carry out calculations on the number of invested funds and their payback periods.


Analyze the main services and their cost, indicating their profitability in comparison with competitors.


Step by step, work through all the steps of organizing a construction organization, starting from the registration of a company, the arena of an office, the selection of personnel and an advertising company.


If it is difficult for you to draw up a business plan yourself, contact the special agencies that can help you. Agency staff will develop a business plan for you and help you successfully start your construction business.


Since the beginning of 2010, the procedures for obtaining licenses for the provision of construction services have been canceled if your company is a member of a local Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO). Your business plan provides for participation in an SRO; deposit money for an entry fee in financial expenses.


An ordinary construction business fully pays for itself in a year. Be guided in the development of the business plan of your enterprise for these terms.
