
How to draw up a business plan in Kazakhstan

How to draw up a business plan in Kazakhstan

Video: Starting a business in Kazakhstan 2024, July

Video: Starting a business in Kazakhstan 2024, July

A well-designed business plan is necessary in order to organize the work of the enterprise and attract potential investors, regardless of which country you plan to open your business in.


Instruction manual


Conduct market research in the region of Kazakhstan you have chosen for business. Take into account the specifics of entrepreneurial activity in the border areas of the country, which mainly specialize in export-import operations. If you decide to create your own production, decide whether you will enter the foreign market, or stop for now on the domestic one.


Remember that a business plan is a business card of your company, at least until you take your place in the market. Therefore, starting to compile it, correctly fill out the title page: indicate the name of your company, the legal form of the legal entity, a heading (accurately reflecting the essence of the above and, at the same time, attractive to investors), contact information, full name of the compiler and head of the company.


Begin the introduction to the business plan with a description in which do not forget to mention the relevance and feasibility of the business idea for the current economic situation in Kazakhstan.


Indicate at what level of development your company is now. If you are just planning to start your activity, write “Beginner Level” so as not to mislead investors, and if you already have an established company, do not be shy and list all your achievements.


Briefly describe your business: the scope of your present or future activities, the area of ​​coverage. List the main competitors, indicating their advantages and disadvantages. Draw conclusions about what are your advantages over other enterprises. Tell us about your products or services and their market position.


Honestly describe your current financial situation and indicate from what sources you are going to finance your project (savings, loans, investments, a small business assistance fund). Be sure to provide an approximate estimate of the costs of financing the project, and the calculation of estimated income. Tell us about your estimated sales. If you already have any debts, this should also be written.


Describe in detail the mechanism for future investment and return on investment. For example, indicate the loan repayment period or the size of the share in your business that you agree to give in exchange for the amount required to finance the project.

business plan kazakhstan
