
How to draw up a business freight plan

How to draw up a business freight plan

Video: How I Make Woodworking Plans // Woodworking Business 2024, July

Video: How I Make Woodworking Plans // Woodworking Business 2024, July

Currently, shipping is a fairly profitable type of business, although a couple of years ago it was considered unpromising. The success of this business depends primarily on a well-designed business plan, which should take into account all the nuances of the business being opened.


Instruction manual


To begin, think about what area your company will cover. There are companies engaged in cargo transportation only in their region, some deliver goods throughout the country, and others - and abroad. Based on this, make your business plan. The more territory you cover and the larger your fleet will be, the more profit you can get. But do not forget about competitors. If there is a company nearby that is engaged in international transportation, it will be more profitable to provide services only in your region.


Form a customer base, describe in the business plan the consumer of your services. The more enterprises, firms and companies in your region that need to transport goods, the more profitable for you. Create an advertising campaign to promote services to the market, declare yourself, place an ad in the media, use leaflets, post ads. Remember that not only enterprises and organizations can become your customers, but also citizens who may need to deliver furniture.


Be sure to consider all costs in the business plan. They will depend on the scale of your project. You can get by with small investments and get not too high, but stable profits. It will be enough to hire a couple of drivers with their own transport, working for a percentage of the sale of services, a dispatcher, to make an advertisement. The dispatcher can be assigned the responsibility of attracting customers. You just need to know what kind of cargo can be transported on the transport at your disposal, and a little understanding of the contracts.


If you plan to create a more serious project, then keep in mind that it will require a lot of investment. Reflect in the business plan the list of services (freight, forwarding, loading and unloading goods, packaging), their cost, a review of the freight market, the territory covered, potential customers.


As for incomes, take the average prices in Russia: 1 km of the way - 20 rubles., Freight for the population is measured in hours: about 600 rubles per hour. For an additional fee, provide the services of loaders, security guards, freight forwarders. If you have ads on the Internet, on television, in the press, you will have customers every day. You will earn at least 30-40 thousand per month in freight traffic, and this is only the first time.


Business shipping plan financial plan. Over the long period of our work in the field of financial consulting and, in particular, the development of a plan of plans, we tried to optimize the most popular layouts and guidelines for the development of plans, which can reduce the time spent on project development.

Useful advice

Business freight plan. A more detailed description of the relevant business ideas from people who do not have real experience in this field. • the creation of a company with its own fleet of freight cars; • specialization mainly in intercity transportation of large goods; • the company will carry out transportation on any route; The main characteristics of the project

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