
How to develop an online store

How to develop an online store

Video: How To Build An Ecommerce Website | 7 Steps To Build Your Online Store 2024, July

Video: How To Build An Ecommerce Website | 7 Steps To Build Your Online Store 2024, July

Development requires work in four directions. This is creating a database of potential customers, translating them into real customers, increasing the average check and the average number of purchases over a period. To solve each problem, you need to create a separate system.


Instruction manual


Create a landing page on the site. Potential customers can be compared to hang gliders who circle above the ground and see where to land. Similarly, people are looking for useful things on the Internet. If they didn’t buy anything in your store, they are unlikely to immediately lay out the money, because they do not trust unfamiliar sites. Create conditions for landing - let them land and look around. On a special page there should not be any prices or calls to buy something. Post a newsletter subscription form and promise your subscribers an answer to a question, for example: "What microwave ovens are on the market and how to choose the best?" If the store has different categories of products, you can create many landing pages to attract interested people.


Organize a continuous flow of potential customers. A separate division of the company or a dedicated employee should only deal with the task of attracting new people to landing pages. Thanks to this, the base of potential customers will be updated.


Sell ​​something inexpensive and transfer the buyer to another database. As soon as a person has signed up for the newsletter, he will receive a letter with information for which he left an e-mail. This is a "hot buyer" who needs help to make the first purchase, so that there is confidence in the store. Offer a huge discount that lasts for a day or several days. With this sale, the online store may not have a profit - this is the purchase price of a new customer. The considered task should be performed by a special department that advises newcomers and actively supports feedback. If the client hasn’t bought anything yet, leave it in the old database - periodically make new offers until you reach the goal.


Enter an aftermarket system. Every time a buyer forms an order, a tempting offer should appear - to buy something extra and get a good discount on the second product. From such actions the average check of each customer will increase and the profit of the store will increase.


Gradually introduce customers to all the products of the store. Individual employees of the company should work with a database of regular customers. This base is formed after the third step. Keep a record of purchases and offer people something new. Train through the newsletter what benefits they will receive and how life will change for the better after the next purchase.


All efforts may be in vain if the site is too complicated ordering system. Ask questions on the newsletter to understand what customers are not comfortable with.

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