
How to build a recreation center

How to build a recreation center

Video: Get More with Metal: Recreation & Fitness Buildings 2024, July

Video: Get More with Metal: Recreation & Fitness Buildings 2024, July

In Soviet times, camping was one of the integral parts of the lifestyle. Nowadays, this good tradition is gradually being revived: you can have a decent rest without going abroad. You can earn a decent living: a well-organized recreation center will pay off in 3-4 years.


Instruction manual


Register a legal entity and start looking for an area in which you could open or reconstruct a recreation center. Please note: sometimes it’s easier to start building a base from scratch on a leased land than to remodel an old one. Moreover, at any moment the owner of an abandoned base may also appear.


Choose a suitable place for your base, taking into account the distance from the regional center, the availability of local attractions and picturesque landscapes. It is advisable that the base is located on the banks of a river or lake. Be sure to check with the Department of Environmental Management for the availability of nature reserves or natural parks in the area. The site should be located in an area with well-developed infrastructure.


Find out if there are all communications on your chosen site. However, if the means allow, then you can bring communications yourself. The only negative in this decision is a long approval and paperwork. And you will have to do a topographic survey of the site in any case (sometimes up to shooting from all points of each tree).


Rent a plot. Its size depends on what you are planning to build: whether it will be a modest base on several hectares or a luxurious hotel complex in the lap of nature.


Contact the architects or work out first the sketches of the future base yourself, and then the project, according to which you will conduct construction. A standard recreation center should have:

- several houses (block or wooden) for a family of 3-4 people;

- several double houses;

- premises for collective recreation;

- dining room, kitchen, warehouse, barracks for staff and premises for administration;

- two baths;

- dance floor, billiards, pool (if there is no pond nearby);

Depending on the means and Central Asia, a recreation center can also have fishing and sports equipment rental, a tennis court, a stadium, etc.


Hire staff. A qualified doctor and nurse, a cook, several maids (in shifts), several waiters (also in shifts), one or two laborers (can work part-time and night watchmen), 1-2 animators or tour guides, security guards must work at any recreation center. If you plan seasonal work, then in the rest of the year you can leave at your disposal only the watchmen or the guards.


Place an advertisement for your recreation center, depending on its status. If there will be enough newspaper ads for the middle class, then in order for wealthy clients to become interested in your base, you should conclude agreements with an advertising and travel agency.
