
How to make money on webinars

How to make money on webinars

Video: How to Make Money With Webinars - $25,000 in One Day! 2024, July

Video: How to Make Money With Webinars - $25,000 in One Day! 2024, July

Webinar is a very popular way to make money on the Internet. You decided to create a webinar and earn some money on it. You have long been burning with the desire to earn money on the Internet and now you have learned about such a fashionable method now as conducting online training or a webinar. It is commendable, however, desire alone is not enough. There are several important points to consider.


You will need

- a burning desire to earn; - expert knowledge in any area of ​​life; - built-in laptop microphone and webcam; - A platform for webinars; - 2 hours and PowerPoint - electronic wallet.

Instruction manual


At this step, we’ll evaluate how much you can gain by selling your knowledge on the Internet. Let's argue based on the fact that your first webinar will take exactly 1 hour from your listeners. A university teacher earns from 300 to 1000 rubles per 1 hour of lecture, depending on his qualifications. I propose to proceed from the same calculations. If you want to earn at least 1000 rubles on the sale of your first webinar, then by setting the price of an electronic ticket to 100 rubles, you need to gather an audience of 10 people. However, keep in mind that you can earn money with a free webinar.


To conduct your first webinar, you do not have to be a university teacher. However, you must be an expert in solving the pressing problems of potential listeners. Now I want to list the standard rake that most of the novice entrepreneurs are about to make money on selling webinars. Take away only from the REAL needs and desires of potential customers. Often, most of the super-innovative ideas of inventors will never be realized in real life. And all for just one simple reason - the product will be completely unnecessary to the audience for which it is designed. Many novice entrepreneurs pay too much attention to the technical side of creating a webinar, rather than communicating with potential buyers to identify their real needs.



The webinar is created for the audience, and not vice versa! Clients are willing to pay money for solving their urgent problems, and not for the beautiful name of the webinar. Here are 2 simple questions that you need to regularly ask potential visitors to your webinar: - What problems do they face, what do they want to avoid, what are they afraid of? - What do they dream about, what ideal result would they like to get? Based on the answers received, a webinar is created for this audience. It is quite another matter if you have solved a problem that is unsolvable for many people. For example, they answered the question: "How to get acquainted with a girl?" or "How can an unemployed person take a mortgage?" The more people look for answers to questions like these, the more you will gather for your webinar.


Now about the technical side of things. At this step, we will focus on equipment for webinars. You will need a microphone and in some cases a webcam. The camera and microphone built into most laptops are quite suitable. If you are conducting your first broadcast from a home computer, then purchase a webcam with a built-in microphone. The issue price in this case ranges from 300 to 900 rubles. Headphones with a microphone are also suitable.



Now about the criteria for choosing a site. Since you are a beginner web entrepreneur, then most likely your choice will fall on those sites that provide a free web room for webinars. Even better, if the web site itself is equipped with a service for selling tickets for ongoing webinars. We also need a popular and visited area. There are a great many services for conducting webinars.


The technical side of the webinar is over. Now let's talk a bit about content development. You will need any program for creating slides with which you will accompany your training. PowerPoint 2010 is best suited. Break your material into blocks and select a picture for each piece of information. Use the special service built into PowerPoint to create charts, bulleted lists, and tables. For 1 hour of the webinar, select from 40 to 60 slides, otherwise your listeners will be constantly distracted from the screens of their computers.


Now it's up to the small. Create a webinar, choose the right time for the webinar, upload slides and files in advance for download during the webinars containing additional materials on the topic. Be sure to get yourself an electronic wallet to withdraw your earnings from the sale of webinars. For the first time, Yandex-wallet will do. You will receive it automatically when creating an email account on Yandex.


To avoid overlays, check in advance the technical parameters of your computer from which you will broadcast. In particular, the flash player (it must be the latest version), the sound of the microphone, how the webcam works.

Useful advice

A good time and day of the week for a webinar in Russia is Sunday or Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00 Moscow time. Allocate at least 3 weeks prior to the webinar. This is the optimal length of time for gathering listeners, especially if your webinar is paid. You can hold a free webinar, and at the end present your paid products, consultations or services. Earnings from such a webinar can be an order of magnitude higher than from the promotion of paid tuition.
