
How to open a beer outlet

How to open a beer outlet

A draft beer store is a great way to invest and increase money for someone who has just embarked on the path of entrepreneurship. Rent and salaries to sellers are the main expense items, and the correct seasonal trade policy allows you to easily transfer the low-profit cold season.


You will need

  • - premises from 20 to 40 square meters;

  • - certificate of registration of IP;

  • - a package of permits;

  • - registered cash register;

  • - business relations with several suppliers of draft beer;

  • - a set of equipment for the sale of draft beer;

  • - one or two sellers.

Instruction manual


Rent a room with an area of ​​20-30 square meters, having well thought out all the possible consequences of conducting a beer trade in this particular place. It’s bad if the place is “business” and uncomfortable, where bottled beer or tin cans are always in demand - you can drink it on the go. It is not very good to work in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings - their residents often complain about such establishments that contribute to pollution and disturbance in their courtyards.


Register an individual business, buy and register a cash register, also concluding a contract for its regular maintenance. For "white" work, you will also need permission from the trade department of the administration, permission from the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor, whose employees will examine your site with an addiction.


Develop a procurement policy for your institution and agree with suppliers that you think it is worth working with. Beer manufacturers sell their goods, although cheaper, in very large batches and, as a rule, on a prepaid basis. If you are unable to sell such a quantity of beer, then it would be more logical to deal with distributors that provide beer in small wholesale quantities and agree to some deferred payment.


Buy equipment for your store, first of all, beer taps, which are specific equipment for all outlets of your profile. To get everything you need for equipment of a draft beer shop allows an agreement with one distributor, requiring you to sell beer only one specific brand. By choosing this path, you can save money and time on an independent search for equipment, but by limiting your product range to one manufacturer, you can, at the same time, lose much more then.


Find one or two sellers of beer who will work in your store on an ongoing basis. The main requirement is honesty towards the owner, that is, towards you, and goodwill towards customers who pay attention to all the details of the service and are not at all indifferent to its quality. In addition to a fixed salary, sellers need to pay some percentage of the daily (daily) revenue or come up with other ways to motivate them.

Beer Point Opening Guide
