Business management

How to manage capital in 2017

How to manage capital in 2017

Video: Human Capital Management Society Scholarship 2017 /2018 (Li Xi Yuan) 2024, July

Video: Human Capital Management Society Scholarship 2017 /2018 (Li Xi Yuan) 2024, July

Did you receive an unexpectedly large inheritance, win the lottery or find a treasure? It doesn’t matter how this amount came to you, it’s important to understand how to dispose of it if you are not a businessman or financier, and in general, if honestly, you have never seen such amounts or even dreamed about them. Of course, it is either going to a trip around the world, or spending everything on arranging a summer residence, or even doing charity work. But how can one not just spend the money, but make it work for itself?


You will need

First, go to the bookstore for the purchase of the following and similar books: “Capital from scratch or The Path to financial freedom in Russia” and “Caution: stocks! Or the truth about investing in Russia” by G. Erdman. The titles may alert you, but believe me, these flashy covers and titles really hide useful information.

Instruction manual


Are planning! It all starts with a plan, and a written one - it’s more convenient to formulate and structure your thoughts. A sheet of paper, a pen and a cup of fragrant coffee in front of you. It's time to focus and decide what your priorities are.


How much money do you have? Now, once you have decided on the priorities, you can divide the available amount - depending on your goals.


If you are an entrepreneur by nature, then the “round” amount will help you start your own business. Of course, money is not a determining factor, in the end, if you are unable to manage your business, you can simply lose it. However, at the initial stage, you will get rid of an important problem - the search for a loan on favorable terms or an investor. For those wishing to open their own business, there is a very informative portal - .


Preferring to receive passive income is the easiest and safest way to recommend opening an account in a good bank and living "on interest". This method has one drawback: interest is usually low.

You can gradually build up your capital (perhaps you still don’t have enough for a villa by the sea, which you dream of so often?) By investing in securities, for example, in stocks. This method in Russia causes the greatest number of disputes. Every second acquaintance of yours will tell you that you are crazy and immediately lose everything to the penny. Investing in securities is indeed much more risky than opening a bank account. However, do not rush to listen to the alarmists. Firstly, many of them do not understand the difference between speculation on the stock exchange (as a result of which many just lose money) and investing. Secondly, it is always easier to find the reason why you should not do something, rather than why it is worth doing.


Surely your knowledge of securities and investing is quite small. Do not be lazy - read books on this topic. Many of them are written in a very accessible language, for example, "Caution: stocks! Or the truth about investing in Russia" by G. Erdman. This will make it easier for you to make the right decision.


Charity is a common thing in civilized European countries. We still have ideas about money donations to nursing homes, animal shelters, and environmental funds, which are still a lot of skepticism - well, that's the mentality. If you do not belong to such skeptics and want to help any organization, it is better to independently control where your money will go. Transferring a certain amount personally to the director of the nursing home to improve the living conditions of the elderly can sometimes mean an improvement in the living conditions of the director alone.


And again about the books. Unfortunately, nowhere - in any schools and universities - do they learn financial literacy. People often know nothing about bank accounts, nor about securities, nor about investing. Therefore, engage in self-education, and for this, buy and read books. Start with the simple and the popular, then, after you generally understand the subject, it will be easier to perceive more complex information.

In addition, books teach positive thinking. To change your life, you first need to change your thinking.

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