Business management

How to promote a magazine

How to promote a magazine

Video: How to market and sell your magazine 2024, July

Video: How to market and sell your magazine 2024, July

For most magazines, the main source of income is advertising, while it directly depends on the popularity and geography of distribution of the magazine. It turns out that in order to increase the income of the magazine, it is necessary to increase its popularity among customers and increase its fame. In order to promote the magazine, it is enough to use a few simple tricks.


Instruction manual


Use ads on radio and television. The more your magazine is heard, the more people will pay attention to it when choosing a magazine. It is possible that they will also be interested in certain topics of your magazine, and they will look for it because of this. The more they ask about the magazine, the more volumes distributors will be able to buy from you - newspaper stalls and other print shops.


Work with crowds of your target audience. For example, if your target audience is young mothers, leave stacks of magazines in antenatal clinics and children's clinics as free samples so that your clients can familiarize themselves with them and make their choice in your favor.


Use the website and social networks. Publish parts of articles or a magazine in the public domain on the site with duplication on a social network. In this case, your task is to interest the potential client with the contents of the magazine.


In case you publish a specialized magazine related, for example, to construction, work with legal entities. Make cold calls both with the aim of offering an advertisement, and with the offer to get a free sample for review. The more active your managers are, the more your magazine will be known.
