Business management

How to promote a store

How to promote a store

You opened a store a year ago. At first, there were very few buyers, and you thought that nobody knows about you just yet. But now a year has passed, and there are not many more. Your sellers are quite qualified, you work seven days a week, the place seems to be good too … Why are there few customers? And how to unwind?


Instruction manual


Firstly, what is your assortment and how does it compare with the place where you are located? It makes no sense to open a store in an elite area, for example, inexpensive underwear. In some cases, changing the assortment is enough to increase the flow of customers. Analyze what you have been actively buying from the last month, and what you haven’t bought at all. The latter should be abandoned - it still does not bring profit. As for the most popular products, you can try to take their analogues from other companies. Let's say you take inexpensive women's tights, you have two manufacturers. Order the same, but two more firms.


The store will not interfere with advertising. There are a lot of advertising ideas, the most simple and inexpensive is advertising on asphalt. 100 meters from your store, write on the pavement a short ad, like "Inexpensive and stylish lingerie. Shop" Maria ". After 100 meters." A good option would be a similar sign with an arrow if the store is located in the courtyards.


Some stores benefit from online promotion. You can make a store website, you can just advertise. It will not be too big a waste. Advertising leaflets can also have an effect, though you have to monitor the integrity of the promoters or hire acquaintances: where are the guarantees that your leaflets will not end up in the nearest bin?


It is important to take care of the atmosphere in the store. Take a closer look at the sellers: do they work in good faith? Are they friendly enough with customers? It’s very unpleasant when they talk impolitely in the store. Unpleasant and excessive importunity - not all buyers love when sellers literally go after them and are eager to slip something. The best staff - unobtrusive and friendly.


There are many ways to promote a store, but which one is best for you is sometimes difficult to determine. To determine the method, it is worth taking a closer look at the competitors: why go to them, but not to you? what do you lack in comparison with them? Buy the same products, introduce the same customer service practices, offer a new service - for example, if you sell jeans, it’s a good idea to fit jeans in height. To many people jeans are long, it will be extremely convenient for them to shorten them right in the store. And all that is needed for this is a girl with a sewing machine, who knows how to sew carefully.

  • Good business site
  • how to promote a new store
