
How to sell a restaurant

How to sell a restaurant

Video: Are You Trying To Sell Your Restaurant? How Much Is It Worth? 2024, July

Video: Are You Trying To Sell Your Restaurant? How Much Is It Worth? 2024, July

If you are faced with the task of selling a restaurant, you need to start by putting financial affairs in order. The cost of a ready-made business, burdened with debt, is much lower, and it will be more difficult to find buyers. Pay off debts to suppliers, staff, budget and extrabudgetary funds. Also at this stage it will be appropriate to prepare a brand book. It is undesirable to hold meetings with potential buyers without visual materials, this will negatively affect the value of the transaction.


You will need

  • brand beech;

  • -the Internet;

  • -a computer.

Instruction manual


Put the restaurant in order. Whatever reason you are encouraged to part with it - even if financially, do not spare money, fix the signboard, change the greasy upholstery of soft sofas, repair non-working burners in the kitchen, etc. Be sure to pay staff. The restaurant community, even in large cities, is not so numerous, the rumor will quickly spread the information that things are deplorable in your restaurant, and this will significantly complicate the search for potential buyers.


Rate your restaurant, which is quite difficult to do because of the desire to get more money. Self-deception begins, some mental justification for the overpriced ("I spent so much time and effort, they also somehow have to be appreciated"). This is not a business approach and, unfortunately, thinking in this way, you run the risk of never selling a restaurant. Get sober as you go. Rewrite all your tangible assets. Opposite each of them, put the purchase price, life and estimated sales value. In a similar way, evaluate intangible assets: a team, atmosphere, etc. It is clear that it is more difficult to evaluate intangible assets, but here try to be objective.


Collect a report with published publications about the restaurant. It represents your marketing asset, which must also be evaluated. To do otherwise is unjustifiably wasteful. If the question arises with the complexity of the assessment, feel free to resort to the following method: find out how much advertising space is in the publication, and then, according to the data received, estimate the cost of publication. When collecting a report, do not forget about Internet resources: make a list of all sites that have a link to an institution.


Make an offer for sale. The name of the restaurant, its specialization, opening date, the area of ​​halls, kitchens and utility rooms, the specification of the existing technological equipment should be displayed in it. Invite a professional photographer to take pictures of all the rooms. Make an offer in paper or electronic form.


Place an advertisement for the sale of a restaurant on industry resources, as well as resources on general business topics. You should not be limited only to sites dedicated to your city - a buyer can be found almost everywhere. If your proposal is correctly composed and correctly evaluated, you can sell the restaurant in a couple of months.
