
How to sell a product to a customer

How to sell a product to a customer

Video: How To Sell A Product in 2021 - 5 Practical Strategies To Sell Anything 2024, July

Video: How To Sell A Product in 2021 - 5 Practical Strategies To Sell Anything 2024, July

The whole world today is a big market. Anything can become an object of sales on it, because each person acts both as a buyer and a seller. This gives rise to serious competition. In such conditions, in order to sell a product to a customer, certain rules must be followed.


Instruction manual


Learn all the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed product. The more information you collect, the more successful you will be able to trade. Each buyer wants to purchase a quality product and it is for quality that people are willing to give big money. Knowing the exact characteristics of the product (how it is operated, what it combines with, what types it happens, etc.), it is possible to highlight all its positive aspects and justify this indispensable purchase.


Define the "target group" of the product, that is, its target audience. Answer the question of who he is - your potential buyer. Student, senior citizen, artist, teacher, male or female, young or old? By identifying your target audience, you can more clearly develop your sales strategy.


Let me see the goods in action, conduct a demonstration of it. Include the feelings of the client in your advertising company. Let me touch the goods, smell, hear, try. Thus, a potential buyer will see himself as the owner of the goods. Your task is to make the client no longer want to give up this role.


Watch your appearance. Dress neatly, beautifully and comfortably, wear a neat hairstyle, be friendly and smiling. When you see a potential customer, then smile and say hello to him. But keep a certain distance. Do not allow familiarity and familiarity, because the relationship "seller - buyer" - this is a business, not friendship or friendship.


Do not be annoying. A good seller is an active seller, but the mistake of many is that by activity they mean fanatic persecution of the buyer around the perimeter of the outlet and urgent recommendations to buy one or another product. This behavior puts the buyer in a stampede. It’s better to say hello to the client to ask what he wants to buy. If there are no specific goals, then just tell us about new arrivals, about the most purchased products and let me look around in the assortment. And when the buyer is determined, you can use all of the above methods of sale.

How to quickly sell goods
