
How to get money for a small business

How to get money for a small business

Video: 9 Small Business Ideas That Will Make You Money Fast 2024, July

Video: 9 Small Business Ideas That Will Make You Money Fast 2024, July

The current legislation of Russia gives everyone an opportunity to get money to start their own business. For this, the applicant is required to register at the employment center, declare his desire to organize his own business and go through a number of mandatory formalities.


You will need

Documents for registration at the employment center: passport, employment record if available, certificate of salary from the last place of employment, if available, in the form of an employment center, the last education document (diploma or school certificate), if you were an entrepreneur or founder of the enterprise - a document on the closure of the IP or firm.

Instruction manual


First you need to register with the employment center as unemployed. Take along your passport, a work book (the most recent entry should be about your dismissal, and from others it’s clear that you aren’t working anywhere at the moment), a diploma or other document about education: most likely, they will want to see them right away.

In the employment center you will be given a salary certificate in the form established by the employment service. Take it to the accounting department at your last job. When it is filled out, take it with the other documents mentioned to the employment center. If you have a complete set of documents, you will be registered, for which, most likely, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire.


This questionnaire usually contains a section on what kind of help you would like to receive from the employment center. Mark only one point in it - that you would like to organize your business. Tell us about the desire to open your business and get a state subsidy for its organization also verbally to an employee of the employment center.


Then you will be referred to a center psychologist who will offer you two tests: self-confidence and willingness to be a leader. You don’t need to be afraid of this procedure: usually the center’s employees themselves don’t understand why it is needed, but it’s necessary. The exception is if your work book contains at least one managerial position, starting from the head of the department, or evidence of business experience (document on closing your IP or company where you were the founder). In this case, you do not need to pass the test.


After successfully passing the test, you will be asked to conclude a contract with the State Employment Service for a period of 1 year. Read it carefully, ask the center staff to clarify all incomprehensible points. When everything is clear, sign.


After the conclusion of the contract, the employment center may refer you to study on the basics of entrepreneurship at the state expense (but not in all regions) or to the nearest branch of the enterprise development agency. In Moscow, there are such structures in each administrative district, in the regions usually in the regional center. You will be registered with the Agency for the Development of Entrepreneurship (surname, address, proposed field of activity) and will advise on how to write a business plan. They may offer to purchase a training manual on its compilation. Better buy, since it costs a little money.


Then you must write a business plan yourself. If something is not clear, you can always seek the advice of experts of the Agency for the Development of Entrepreneurship. Depending on the region, their services may be free or paid, but in the second case they are inexpensive. Show the prepared business plan to an agency specialist, make the corrections proposed by him and take them to the agency again. When specialists have no comments on your business plan, hand it over to the employment center. If adopted, proceed with the registration of an individual entrepreneur or enterprise.


Upon completion of the registration of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur, open a current account for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity in any bank. If there is no individual's account with Sberbank (the subsidy will be transferred there: to your savings account or card), open it and take the details at the Sberbank branch. All documents collected (constituent documents of an individual entrepreneur or company, a bank account agreement for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, account details with Sberbank) should be taken to the employment center. Then it remains to wait until the subsidy is transferred to you.


As you master all the funds, take documents to the employment center confirming what they spent on (checks, bills). They will make copies of them, after which you will no longer have questions regarding finances. However, you will have to hand in a monthly time sheet for yourself or your employees to the employment center if you plan to hire them. How to fill it out correctly, experts at the employment center will tell.


1. You will have to pay the costs of registering the company from your own pocket, the subsidy will be transferred after you register the individual entrepreneur or company.

2. You will need to report to the employment center on how the funds provided have been spent in accordance with your own business plan. Otherwise, they will accuse you of misuse of money and demand that they be returned.

3. If you are registered in one region and live in another, you will have to register at the employment center and register the company at the place of registration. At the place of actual residence, they will not be able to help you even with temporary registration.

Useful advice

The subsidy is equal to the maximum unemployment benefit for the year. In 2010, its size was 58800 rubles. If you enter into employment contracts with unemployed people registered with the employment center, you will be charged additional money for each employee. But you can not hire anyone: if you create a new workplace only for yourself, your beloved, this is quite enough.

When drawing up a business plan, pay special attention to the social significance of your project: creating new jobs (at least one for yourself), the emergence of popular services, increasing tax revenues to the budget, and improving the competitive environment in the market. All this matters for those who will read the business plan and decide on the grant.

Official site of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment
