
How to open a housing agency

How to open a housing agency

Video: Real Estate Training - Open Houses 2024, July

Video: Real Estate Training - Open Houses 2024, July

In life, as well as in the business sphere, various changes are constantly taking place, which require the acquisition of new real estate, the exchange of old or rent. That's what housing agencies are for.


Instruction manual


Create a business plan according to which you can plan the development of the housing agency. Analyze the company's capabilities in it.


Register a company with an organizational form in the form of LLC. Then choose a location, i.e. where will your office be located. It should be borne in mind that it should be located in a fairly crowded area, not far from the transport interchange. This will allow company employees to quickly get to anywhere in the village.


You can rent an office space or purchase it in the property. In large settlements, it will be more profitable to rent a room, because the cost of real estate is quite high and such expenses may not be affordable for a novice entrepreneur.


Connect multiple phone lines in the office. This is simply necessary, since the bulk of the activities of agency staff will be carried out by telephone.


Provide that in office premises there was a separate room for clients where it will be possible to carry out negotiations with them and conclude contracts.


Pick up staff and install the necessary office equipment (computers, printers, faxes, photocopiers) and telephones at the agency. Then stock up on office equipment.


Find sources of information about objects of various real estate that are sold or leased. There are many specialized companies that collect such information, its further processing and the formation of databases. Before concluding an agreement with such an organization, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the database information available to them by viewing the demo version or acquiring the database itself. Then analyze it and verify the accuracy of the information. And only if it is confirmed by 90%, then with this company you can conclude a contract to provide the base.
