
How to open a liquor store

How to open a liquor store

Video: My 5 Step Guide To Starting A Liquor Store 2024, July

Video: My 5 Step Guide To Starting A Liquor Store 2024, July

Trade in alcohol is a fairly profitable business and is always in demand. But organizing it is not easy. The legislation provides for rather stringent requirements for such stores.


Instruction manual


In order to open a retail point of sale of alcohol, you must have an LLC or a closed company, as since 2006, retail trade in alcoholic beverages is carried out only by organizations. Create a legal entity and register it at the IFTS at the place of residence. Buy a cash register and register it with the tax office too.


Decide on the shape and type of your future store. What do you want to open: a small store or a large shopping center, a self-service store or trade will be carried out through the counter. And perhaps the most important question is the location of the store. A win-win option is a relatively small store in a residential area. Select the appropriate retail space.


So, the premises have been selected, the cash register has been purchased and registered with the INFS, a bank account has been opened. The next step is to draw up a package of documents. You will need: - a certificate of ownership of the premises or a lease agreement;

- from the master plan of the assignment make a copy of your premises intended for the sale of wine and vodka products;

- conclude an agreement with municipal services for the removal of household waste;

- conclude an agreement with the disinfection service for the processing of premises from rodents and insects.


With copies of all the documents listed above, you should go to the bodies of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. It is necessary to obtain a license for the sale of wine and vodka products. Write a statement. Pay the examination in accordance with the invoice. After that, specialists from this organization will examine your premises and issue a survey report. Having collected the remaining necessary documents, apply for a license. You can read more detailed information at the link and at the link .


In addition to permits, you will need to solve organizational issues. To properly compose an assortment, identify potential buyers. Explore nearby stores, analyze the goods offered in them, make your own map of wines and vodka products. Consult how to arrange goods on shelves and racks. To do this, hire a merchandiser. Remember that if the area of ​​your store is small, do not make too wide an assortment. If your store provides security services and security cameras, some of the goods can be made publicly available. Hire highly qualified specialists: merchandiser, accountant, sellers.

Useful advice

Have a celebration about the opening, consider a system of discounts and gifts. The main goal is to establish itself in front of visitors and customers.
