
How to open an outlet with phones

How to open an outlet with phones

Video: Exterior Outlet Cover - Outdoor Outlet Cover 2024, July

Video: Exterior Outlet Cover - Outdoor Outlet Cover 2024, July

The mobile phone business is quite difficult to start, as the market is divided between large players. However, even a small outlet can bring good income with a competent and thoughtful organization.


You will need

  • - premises;

  • - start-up capital;

  • - equipment;

  • - staff.

Instruction manual


Having registered as an individual entrepreneur, search for premises for your outlet. The key factor in this case is its location and patency. After completing the search, resolve organizational issues with the fire department and take care of security.


Do some marketing research. Assess the level of customers, analyze the presence of competitors and their actions. Be prepared for the fact that nearby will probably be the stores of the leading players in the mobile phone market. However, you can occupy your own niche if you competently approach the assortment policy and customer service standards.


Think over the assortment. On the one hand, you should offer the most popular and relevant models. On the other hand, it is advantageous to differ from competitors. This can be achieved both with the help of a well-thought-out pricing policy for well-known brands of phones, and through the introduction of several exclusive items with attractive prices. Set up cell phone deliveries according to the selected list of items.


Buy trade equipment. You will need closed glass cases, racks for sellers, office equipment. It is also advisable to install a security system and anti-theft (for example, radio-magnetic) gates.


Hire staff. Your employees should be quite active and energetic, understand the assortment and be able to identify the needs of the buyer. Good product knowledge is one of the main criteria. Today, it is quite difficult for an average person to keep track of emerging innovations, so it is the seller-consultant who should correctly orient the client and push him to buy.

Useful advice

Offer related services at your outlet, for example, set up a multi-cash desk for various payments. This will allow you to increase customer flow.
