
How to open your own transport company

How to open your own transport company

Video: How to Start a Trucking Company 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Trucking Company 2024, July

A transport company is not the type of business whose creation you can order on a turnkey basis and get everything right away to enter the market as one of the leading players. Transportation usually starts with a small one, and only with time does this activity take the form of a large company with its own fleet of vehicles.


You will need

  • 1. A truck with a body volume of at least 10 m3
  • 2. Well-established business relations with forwarding companies
  • 3. Opportunities for further expanding your fleet
  • 4. The ability to select drivers to fulfill individual orders and for permanent work
  • 5. Over time - an agreement with a car service for the maintenance of all your cars, as well as an agreement on the bulk purchase of fuel

Instruction manual


Buy a truck - this is the first thing with which, most likely, you will have to start your journey. Naturally, this should not be a tractor with a trailer (what is called a "truck") - it is better to start transporting with an imported analogue of the "Gazelle", the body volume of which is a little more than ten "cubes". The cost of the “truck” is several million rubles, using it is beneficial for long-distance flights, and they will be too much risk for you at the initial stage.


Begin to establish business relations with the "dispatchers" - forwarding companies that select private carriers to fulfill their orders. The cost of cargo delivery, which is offered by the customer company and the profit that you get from forwarding agents-intermediaries, are very different, but large customers do not work directly with "private traders". Therefore, if you want to receive profitable orders for yourself, work with as many “dispatchers” as possible, get into their databases as a conscientious and responsible executor.


Invest as much as you can in expanding the “fleet” of your cars - this means that having accumulated money for a second car, you should try to save them for a third. Only having eight trucks at your disposal can you consider yourself a serious company. The services of transport companies involve a much wider range of possibilities than assistance in moving to a new office or in a country cottage. Need to strive, of course, to obtain tenders for freight forwarding to other regions of the country.


Develop for yourself a reliable, as far as possible, system for selecting drivers whom you can trust equipment and expensive loads. Finding a good driver for a “truck” is not always an easy task, especially when you consider that the cost of delivering goods sometimes is not one hundred thousand rubles. You can check the "past" of candidates with the help of collection companies or private individuals providing similar services. It is possible that driving personnel in the transport business do not solve absolutely everything, but without proven drivers you will definitely not get far.

Useful advice

Expanding your fleet, try to purchase cars suitable for transporting various types of goods, this will allow you to take over almost any order that you consider to be profitable.

No matter how strong the temptation to save by acquiring a less expensive domestic-made vehicle, do not succumb to it, as similar foreign freight cars will quickly pay for themselves and will last, most likely, several times longer.

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