
How to open your trading tent

How to open your trading tent

Video: How to Unlock Jaeger - Tarkov's Newest Trader 2024, July

Video: How to Unlock Jaeger - Tarkov's Newest Trader 2024, July

Many want to have a small, but their own business. Often, such an undertaking eventually grows into a big business, as you gain experience in the commercial field. Opening your own tent is the best option to test your entrepreneurial abilities.


Instruction manual


After registering as an individual entrepreneur, start looking for a suitable place to place a stall. It is advisable to exclude the presence of other stalls with similar products nearby. Settle in a place with a large crowd of people and high traffic, for example, at a public transport stop. Next, you need to contact the sales department of the council on whose territory your tent will be located, for registration of papers for rent. You will need a cash register, a refrigerator for drinks and at least the minimum amenities for the seller (a chair, a heater for the cold season, a fan for the summer, etc.).


The most popular assortment is cigarettes, beer, low alcohol drinks, energy drinks, chewing gum, chips, nuts, etc. The list of goods must first be agreed with the district government and the Sanitary Inspection, as well as obtain the appropriate trade licenses. You can buy at wholesale bases. If you do not have your own place for storing products, orders should be done at intervals determined by the demand for the product and its consumption.


The number of sellers of tents depends on the mode of trade. The working schedule can be in a day, two in two, or in a day in two, if the trade does not stop at night. The most effective way to look for staff is through announcements, especially by placing tents in the window. The stall seller’s most valuable quality is decency. Even if at first glance a person inspires confidence in you, it will be useful to check him for cleanliness in order to avoid future problems with shortages.

Useful advice

If you do not have at least basic knowledge of accounting, it is worth hiring an accountant or take special courses to teach self-reporting of a private enterprise.
