
How to open your own business in construction

How to open your own business in construction

Video: Top 10 Tips to Running a Successful Construction Business 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Tips to Running a Successful Construction Business 2024, July

For many years, the main obstacle to the "white" business in construction was licensing, when it was canceled, its place was taken by mandatory membership in a self-regulatory organization, which was no less simple to obtain. Considering that construction engineers are often opened by experienced engineers and superintendents who are well acquainted with the practical side of the matter, formal issues are still the most important stage in organizing this type of business.


You will need

  • - one equipped repair and construction team (4-5 people);

  • - office and a small storage room;

  • - a package of constituent and other documents for entry into the SRO;

  • - all available advertising media.

Instruction manual


Assemble the first construction team - this must be done before documents are submitted to the self-regulatory organization. To enter the SRO, you must provide information about your employees, their number and qualifications. It is best to look for personnel guided by personal acquaintances and recommendations, for one repair and construction team four people are enough - a carpenter, electrician, plumbing and plasterer.


Find an office, preferably combined with a small warehouse, where you will store inventory and supplies. You should proceed when searching for a room for reasons of economy - you will go to your clients yourself, so you can limit yourself to the cheapest and most functionally convenient area. At first, you can do without an office at all, coordinating the work of your team from home or using your mobile phone.


Register an individual business or legal entity (LLC) in order to have constituent documents on hand, which are mandatory for obtaining permits from SROs. Gather the documents necessary for joining a self-regulatory organization, among which - a memorandum of association and charter (for a legal entity), a certificate of registration with the tax inspection body, as well as documents containing information about employees. The head must have a specialized higher (construction) education, other employees - experience in this field.


Engage all available information channels to promote your new company - order professionals to develop a business card website on the Internet, print leaflets, organize posting of announcements in the immediate vicinity of recently commissioned houses. Repair and construction work is a highly competitive sphere, requiring a large investment in advertising and promotion from a novice entrepreneur. This item of expenditure will decrease only as you gain good fame and begin to receive part of the orders due to the recommendations of your former customers.

To establish a repair and decoration company costs 350 thousand rubles.
