Business management

How to open a representative office in another city

How to open a representative office in another city

Video: Launching a Business in Bali: Opening a Representative Office (Full) 2024, July

Video: Launching a Business in Bali: Opening a Representative Office (Full) 2024, July

Opening a representative office in another city is an important step to increase the credibility of the company. With the right approach, creating your company’s office in a new region will allow you to cover a new market, expand your contacts, improve your reputation and create new jobs. But this is a serious risk - because expanding corporate geography requires impressive costs.


Instruction manual


First you should go to the city you are interested in. A trip can bring you a lot of pleasure; in addition, if you lived in this city before, for a long time, much could change.


Find businessmen who are interested in the services of your company. You can offer them serious discounts - after all, in a new place you need to start everything from scratch. It is important to enlist the support of several influential people - this will launch word of mouth, attracting customers to you.


Find out more about your competitors. They should not be underestimated - because they are familiar with local realities, have extensive connections and a client base. Try to establish friendly relations with them - of course, they are unlikely to be happy with your undertaking, but even neutrality is better than open confrontation.


Find a potential manager for your branch. He must have knowledge of the local market - this will allow you not to spend months or years at the start. If he is a native of the city, it will benefit your business - potential clients will have the effect of "community".


Only with the hired representation leader do you need to look for an office space. His knowledge of the city will help him choose the most suitable area. The task of staff selection is best solved together: so you can evaluate his skills and at the same time show his trust.


An important step is to draw up regulations and reporting reporting rules. Using corporate CRM can simplify task setting. In addition, you will be able to influence customer service from the main office as usual.


Perhaps it would be more beneficial not to open your own office, but to find a partner who will represent the interests of your company in the region for a percentage of transactions. You can even delegate this mission to competitors by making them your friends. They will be ready to do this to prevent the creation of your permanent office.

Useful advice

CRM - customer relationship management system. It allows you to automate transaction processes, remind you of current tasks - meetings, conversations. The most famous systems in Russia: AmoCRM, Bitrix24
