
How to open a wholesale store

How to open a wholesale store

Video: How to Start a Wholesale Business in 2021 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Wholesale Business in 2021 2024, July

A wholesale store differs from a retail one primarily in buyers. Wholesale stores purchase retail products for sale. Thus, opening a wholesale store, you become a supplier.


Instruction manual


In general, the opening of a wholesale store looks like the opening of a retail one: you register, start an advertising campaign, look for a room and get all the necessary documents for it, agree with suppliers. hire staff and sell goods. Much depends on the goods: for example, a wholesale grocery store needs special equipment, a room in which it will be possible to store products so that they do not spoil. If you open a wholesale store of clothes or shoes, then you only need a room.


If for a retail store the choice of premises is very important (because if the store is not in a "busy" place, then they simply will not go into it), then for a wholesale store any room in which it will be possible to place a fairly large amount of goods. Thus, you can save on rent: representatives of retail stores will come to you in any more or less accessible place, or you will be able to deliver goods yourself - of course, for an additional fee.


For a wholesale store, an advertising campaign is needed aimed at the business (i.e., at other stores), and not at the consumer directly. Many entrepreneurs opt for online advertising (for example, contextual advertising). As a rule, this is not very costly and efficient, since stores often look for suppliers through the Internet.


Your suppliers should be directly producers of goods - factories, factories, etc. Wholesale stores buy large quantities of goods from them for sale. The staff of the wholesale store usually gets a solid salary, without a percentage of sales, since sellers have no problem attracting as many buyers as possible.


To open a wholesale store you will need to get a fairly serious amount of documents. These are, firstly, documents on registration of your store - constituent documents. You can register with the tax office yourself or provide one of the many law firms that deal with this. Secondly, part of the documents will need to be obtained from the municipal authorities - these are permits for the store. In Moscow, they are usually issued by the prefecture. Sanitary and epidemiological documents are issued by Rospotrebnadzor. If you sell alcohol or other products that cannot be sold without a license, you will need to obtain a license for its sale in licensing authorities. In general, it can take up to six months to get all the necessary documentation.
