
How to open an educational center

How to open an educational center

Video: Starting a New Center for Teaching and Learning 2024, July

Video: Starting a New Center for Teaching and Learning 2024, July

Currently, the demand for educational courses and programs has increased significantly. Therefore, the educational business pays off pretty quickly - in just 1-1.5 years, you will be able to get stable profits.


Instruction manual


It is necessary to begin the creation of an educational center in order to develop your own concept, i.e. determine the focus of the courses that will take place there. It can be a center with vocational training courses (accounting, taxation, investment), a training educational center, teaching any original courses, for example, Feng Shui.


Then the educational center must be registered as a non-governmental educational institution, indicate its type of activity, for example, the provision of educational services, choose a tax system. The most profitable in this case will be a “simplified woman” at a rate of 6% of the income received.


Next, you need to select staff. For starters, 1-2 teachers will be enough. However, pay attention to their literacy and professional training, because the success of your business will depend on their work. In addition, the center will require 2-3 consultants, a secretary and an accountant.


As for the premises, for classes you will need an area of ​​at least 200 square meters. It can be rented from any educational institution (university or college). Renting a free room will cost more. But then you can immediately organize a reception room, a computer class and 2-3 classrooms for classes.


To open an educational center, you need a set of equipment. It should include 10-12 computers, tables, chairs, office equipment (printer, copier, fax), cabinets, textbooks and supplies.


Remember that educational activities are subject to licensing. To obtain it, you must contact the Education Department in your area and provide information on the number and level of education of the teaching staff, premises, technical equipment, etc. Consideration of the application may last about 1 month.

how to create a training center
