
How to open furniture production

How to open furniture production

Video: How to Start a Furniture Making Business | Including Free Furniture Making Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Furniture Making Business | Including Free Furniture Making Business Plan Template 2024, July

In any large city there are many salons in which you can find furniture for every taste, size and wallet. But despite this, many people tend to have furniture in their home that is not similar to the models presented in stores. If you want to help them in creating a unique interior - open furniture production.


Instruction manual


Make a business plan, in which provide the results of marketing research in your region (area).


Register the IP or LLC with the tax inspectorate (if you plan to supply furniture to other legal entities or government customers). Get a certificate of state registration of the enterprise, get the OKVED / OKPO and MPI codes.


Find and rent a suitable room for production. This room must have compartments for the storage of materials and fittings and for the storage of finished products.


Rent an office. It can adjoin directly to industrial premises, and can be located in another district of the city (preferably in the center). In the office, arrange premises for the director (the owner of the production, in case you have registered a private entrepreneur), chief accountant, designers. At the entrance to the office, place the reception desk and stands with catalogs of finished products and samples of materials.


Contact the SES, the fire safety service and the environmental commission for opinions on the proper condition of the premises and the compliance of products with environmental standards adopted in your region.


Buy all the necessary equipment for the production (machines, tools). Organize the premises, observing safety regulations so that during the production process there are no forced downtime, and the possibility of injury to employees is excluded.


Conclude agreements with woodworking enterprises and manufacturers of fittings. Do not save on quality. If you intend to supply furniture to stores or organizations, conclude agreements with them, even dumping, if necessary. If you produce high-quality furniture, then good recommendations will help you establish sales in the shortest possible time and at normal prices.


Hire staff. All employees must have the necessary experience in furniture enterprises in your region. Designers should be able to work with all modern software for furniture production.


Use the services of an advertising agency and organize a campaign to promote your product, focusing on the quality of execution of orders.
