
How to open a hunting store

How to open a hunting store

Video: HOW DO WE MAKE MONEY?? - Starting a Hunting Show 2024, July

Video: HOW DO WE MAKE MONEY?? - Starting a Hunting Show 2024, July

A hunting store cannot be attributed to quick-pay projects, it requires quite impressive investments, and profitability, as a rule, does not exceed 40%. However, if you have start-up capital (at least 3 million rubles), are familiar with weapons and the laws governing its sale, try opening your own hunting store.


You will need

  • - investments;

  • - premises;

  • - staff;

  • - permission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and city authorities;

  • - all necessary contracts and documents.

Instruction manual


Choose a room for a hunting store, it should be at least 120 square meters, and better - 200 square meters. m. Equip it with fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the established standards and connect it to the security and fire alarm system (provide the output to the central monitoring console of the private security department of the internal affairs department).


Install an additional power supply in the store to ensure the operation of security devices in case of failure of the main network. Put steel grilles on all ventilation openings and windows, and double protection on the doors.


Lock the windows in which the weapons are displayed, lock them with a key, bring an alarm to each. Install the second door in the form of a metal grill.


Equip the weapons room, it should not have windows, and the walls, floor and ceiling should be made of metal or concrete with a thickness of at least 360 mm (reinforced concrete walls are allowed from 180 mm). This room is designed to store weapons during the time when the store will not work, it opens only 2 times a day - at the time of removal of weapons in the morning and their introduction after closing.


In addition to the standard documents for opening a store, get a license from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and permission from city authorities. Write a statement in the name of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and state your request to open a store. You will be given a list of documents and a workaround.


Provide the application in the prescribed form, the lease of the premises, copies of the charter documents. Sign the by-pass list with various services, beginning with the management of architecture and ending with private security. The same services will issue you certificates of inspection of the room. Pay all necessary fees and wait for the license of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.


Find at least two good sellers who are not indifferent to weapons and hunting. Try to find people who are able not only to talk about the product, but also versed in the design features of the weapon, as well as able to carry out all operations to prepare it for use. In addition, find a person who will be responsible for the storage of weapons, this should be a person whom you fully trust.


Choose the optimal assortment of the store for hunters (as a rule, this is 70% of weapons and 30% of related products, equipment). Try to reach manufacturers of goods, not intermediaries. To attract buyers, try to create an atmosphere of "clubbing", providing related services: shooting gallery, weapons workshops, organization of hunting trips, etc.
