
How to open your home kindergarten

How to open your home kindergarten

Video: How to convert a home into a Preschool or Daycare: Our Schoolhouse Renovation 2024, July

Video: How to convert a home into a Preschool or Daycare: Our Schoolhouse Renovation 2024, July

In Russia, home kindergartens operate on an illegal basis, that is, illegally. To open a legal home kindergarten, it is necessary to draw up a lot of permits and, first of all, register as a legal entity and obtain a license. Individual entrepreneurship is not suitable for this type of business. To obtain a license, you need to collect a number of documents, certificates and signatures.


You will need

  • -room

  • -equipment

  • -registration of a legal entity

  • SES permission

  • -fire protection permission

  • accredited license

Instruction manual


To open a home kindergarten you need to invest a lot of money. Without the necessary equipment and inventory, a license cannot be obtained.


The cost of a child’s stay in kindergarten pays for itself when paying from 500 to 1000 dollars a month. Not everyone is ready to pay such money. If the payment for a child’s stay in a home kindergarten is reduced, this will not pay back the investment costs and payment of taxes. In addition, for such money to be paid you need to have a good staff with extensive experience and high education. Consequently, and with high pay for labor.


To obtain a license, in addition to registering a legal entity, you need to have a good room with equipment that meets all the standards for opening kindergartens. The area of ​​the room should be at least 6 square meters per child. Need a separate sleeping room equipped with cots. Separate room for games and development. Fire alarm. A place for a walk, to which they make their demands: being 5 meters from the roads, a green fence from the road, the availability of children's equipment for games and wellness treatments. It is necessary to have tables and chairs for lunch appropriate for the age of children, a room for cooking with equipment and utensils, a washing machine and a place for drying clothes.


Having equipped the room, according to all standard requirements, invite the sanitary epidemic station. After inspecting the room, you will be given an authorization document and a conclusion on compliance with sanitary standards.


Contact your fire department. Based on the inspection of the premises and verification of fire fighting devices, you will be issued a conclusion on the permission to open a kindergarten.


Contact the Licensing Chamber with a program of parenting, development and education of children. The entire teaching staff that you invited to work in your kindergarten must pass certification and state accreditation. Without this condition, you will not receive a license. Past certification and accreditation of teachers are not considered and are not suitable for obtaining a license.


The license indicates the main directions of educational and educational work of your institution.


Having received all permissions and a license, you can get to work. You need to pay taxes systematically and submit a report to the tax authorities on a quarterly basis, that is, you will additionally have to hire a professional accountant.


Your home kindergarten will constantly check the SES, the fire department and the representatives of the Licensing Chamber for compliance with all standards and requirements.


To date, few have managed to open a legal home kindergarten. In an ordinary apartment - to nobody. Therefore, illegal home kindergartens are so common.


Thus, a new niche appeared in business - kindergartens at home. This niche has not yet been fully occupied, although it is being actively mastered. The requirements for children's furniture in the home kindergarten are quite specific - tables should be no more than 58 cm in height and chairs should be up to 34 cm. In addition, it is necessary to organize a place for storing children's clothes (lockers), as well as a play area for children.

Useful advice

If there are a lot of children, then they rent a separate apartment, hire a couple more people, and, like, the garden is ready. But not everything is so rosy. In fact, opening a kindergarten is very difficult, especially if you approach this exclusively as a business - from an economic point of view. And everyone who tried to legalize home kindergarten abandoned their idea. Russian legislation simply does not provide such an opportunity, because even to save space, replace cots with mattresses that are spread directly on the floor …

Home kindergarten open in 2019
