
How to open the door salon

How to open the door salon

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Own interior doors - the business is not too expensive and designed for a stable profit. Choose the optimal assortment, add additional services to the price list and organize affiliate programs. All this will distinguish you favorably among competitors and significantly increase sales.


You will need

  • - IP status;

  • - room for the store;

  • - staff;

  • - stock;

  • - trade equipment and cash register;

  • - money for business development.

Instruction manual


Doors trading is not such a simple business. You need to be well versed in suppliers and models, be able to conclude profitable contracts, and know what is in demand among buyers. To become a professional in the door business, get a job as a seller in any such salon - six months of work will be enough to understand the nuances of trade.


Remove a suitable room. The door salon, aimed at retail customers, should be located close to the busy highway, on a street with good pedestrian traffic.


Form an assortment. Choose the manufacturers that produce the best price-quality ratio models. The cheapest doors are usually very popular with buyers, but it is not profitable to trade them alone. Complete the interior range with a sufficient selection of entrance doors - this is the most favorable position for the seller. Part of the exclusive product can be sold only on order, according to catalogs.


The usual conditions for beginning retailers are to settle upon delivery or prepay. When you prove yourself, you may be offered a deferred payment.


Calculate the retail prices of the goods. The margin on the door starts at 30% and reaches 100%. The cheaper the model, the higher the mark-up on it. For the goods from popular and well-known manufacturers, keep the average prices in the city, new items can be sold at a higher price. Consider discounts for bulk purchases and bonus services for regular customers.


Complete the assortment of doors with accessories - handles, doorbells, plates and more. Offer an extended list of services. The buyer expects that in the cabin he will be offered metering with the exit, installation, installation. Some services may be free.


Build a good team. A novice businessman can find a reliable partner. At the initial stage, the salon will require vigilant attention - you alone can not cope with it. Do not hire extra sellers - it’s better to invite a couple of real professionals. At the first stage, deal with purchases, contacts with suppliers and logistics yourself.


Think over an advertising campaign. For buyers to find out about your salon, do not skimp on external media - a noticeable sign, banners, stretch marks. If the room’s capabilities allow, window dressing - for example, in one make a mini-installation of a nursery, in the other - a living room, and so on. Such thematic showcases will surely attract the attention of potential buyers.


Make a good and informative website. It should contain a complete catalog of your models, a list of manufacturers, articles about doors and, of course, prices and contact information. In the future, on its basis you can open an online store, which will increase your turnover. Engage in the active promotion of the site - it is important that it gets into the top positions in search engines.
