
How to create a glossy magazine

How to create a glossy magazine

Video: Glossy Transparent Cover | Adobe Photoshop 2024, July

Video: Glossy Transparent Cover | Adobe Photoshop 2024, July

Are you planning to release a glossy magazine? To ensure his long and successful life and a large number of readers, it is necessary to organize the process of its publication correctly. Remaking what was organized incorrectly is much more difficult. Spend a couple of months on the brainstorming session and the same amount on the organization of the process - and your gloss will be ready to see the light


Instruction manual


Long before the release of the first issue, several key issues need to be addressed. First of all, clearly define the concept of a future publication. Imagine a magazine reader. His gender, age, social status, interests, preferences. How big is the audience that interests you?


Select a magazine name that matches its theme. Be sure to check if a publication with the same or very similar name is registered. If so, urgently look for another option, otherwise you will simply be denied registration.


Calculate the future circulation. If it is assumed that it will be less than 1000 copies, you will not need to register the publication. Decide how your magazine will be distributed. You can open a subscription, sell it through a retail network or distribute for free. All this information will need to be placed in the output.


How do you plan to earn? Most magazines rely on the sale of advertising space. If this is your choice, calculate the cost of future advertising based on the cost of producing the publication and the situation on the advertising market in your region. Consider a system of discounts and bonuses.


Select the printing company in which your journal will be printed. Saving on printing is not worth it - poor print and poor color rendering will upset not only readers, but also advertisers, which can lead to direct losses. When choosing a printing house, focus on the reviews of colleagues. Be sure to consider offers from neighboring regions - this way you can find more profitable offers.


If the circulation of your future publication exceeds 1000 copies, register it with the regional authority of the Ministry of Press. For registration, you will need a full package of company documents (LLC or IP), as well as information on the circulation, distribution method, publication price and its category. The cheapest is the registration of the publication for children and disabled people, an advertising magazine will cost much more.


Find a room for an office, get the necessary office equipment. Start forming an editorial board. You will need the chief editor, his deputy (optional), a team of journalists and proofreader. Journalists can not be hired - for starters, work with freelancers - this will reduce the salary fund. The same applies to photographers. The technical department will need a layout designer and a specialist in processing and selecting photographs.


Do not forget about the advertising department. If you plan to cooperate with advertising agencies, you will need only a few managers to sell advertising space. But it’s safer to hire more people. For gloss, advertising is the main breadwinner, so saving on the number of those who bring it is short-sighted.


Get started long before the premiere of your publication. By the time the first issue of the journal is officially released, you should provide yourself with a supply of journalistic materials and advertising for two issues ahead. Try to stick to the same schedule further. The process of working on numbers should be perfectly debugged. Failure to print schedule is fraught with fines from the printing house and the dissatisfaction of advertisers. Try not to allow this.
