
How to open a thrift store

How to open a thrift store

Video: How to Start A Thrift Store Business in 2020 2024, July

Video: How to Start A Thrift Store Business in 2020 2024, July

Own store of commissioned goods is a profitable business that does not require large investments, many can afford to open such a business. True, the principles of successful activity for the owner of the "commission" are somewhat different than for the owner of a outlet working with suppliers. But you can learn the secrets of the craft gradually, you just have to do what will allow the commission store to open.


You will need

  • - room

  • - certificate of registration of IP

  • - furniture (table, two chairs, a rack for a fitting room, a mirror)

  • - set of mannequins and hangers

  • - a personal computer with an installed inventory control program

  • - contract form with the principal, registered seal

Instruction manual


Arrange with the owner of an inexpensive, rental area located on the ground floor of any building. You will need a room within 50-100 square meters. It has to be repaired, although there are no high demands on the interior of the thrift store.


Decide in advance which assortment of products will be presented in your store. There are several options, but the most common and cost-effective are children's clothes and goods for children. Most of the thrift stores specialize in this particular profile.


Buy the trading equipment, proceeding from the fact that for a store selling used items, new expensive accessories are not required at all. It will take a little simple furniture, and if we are talking about a thrift clothing store - mannequins and a set of hangers. Also, you can not do without a personal computer and specialized software for accounting goods.


Settle the necessary legal formalities. It will be necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or create a limited liability company. To work with people who give things for implementation, you will need a developed form of the contract, which must be certified by a registered seal.

Useful advice

It is necessary to advertise a thrift store “with an eye on” its target audience - products for children will be of interest primarily to readers of women's print media and visitors to women's forums.

It is possible to supplement the assortment of a thrift clothing store thanks to cooperation with large warehouses of second-hand products.

Tips for anyone who wants to create their thrift store.
