
How to open a company in Germany

How to open a company in Germany

Video: How to start a company in Germany I Be your own boss I Our GmbH Story 2024, July

Video: How to start a company in Germany I Be your own boss I Our GmbH Story 2024, July

Germany attracts businessmen as a country that can maintain relative economic stability even in the most difficult conditions. So if it seems to you that it is time to enter the world market, opening a company in Germany is the best option.


Instruction manual


Examine the situation in the European and world market in the segment in which your company will operate. Think over the concept of your business. If you have not had experience in Europe before, consult with specialists.


Create a name for your company. But do not forget that it should not violate existing copyrights and trademarks. To register a name, contact the German Federal Patent Office, whose staff will inform you as soon as possible whether such a name exists in their database or not.


In order to have as many advantages as possible for the development of your business in Europe and to control it, it is worth opening a limited liability company (GmbH). But you can open companies with other forms of ownership (GmbH & Co. KG, AG, or UG).


Define the types of activities of the company and contact a notary from Germany to draw up a standard package of constituent documents and the charter. Hold a meeting of founders, at which accept the charter of the future company and approve the officers. However, the manager of the company (not necessarily part of the founders) must be a person permanently residing in Germany. Find a suitable manager, enter into a labor agreement with him and put him in the know in accordance with the terms of the contract.


Contact the notary public again for certification of all constituent documents of the company. Certified documents should be sent to the bank to open a company account and transfer authorized capital (at least € 12.500). Send the bank statement to the notary or ask the bank staff to fax it. This is necessary so that the notary can transfer the entire package of documents to the Commercial Register (Handelsregister).


Receive an extract from the Commercial Register from a notary public, get a tax number and register in the municipality.
