
How to open a taxi dispatch service

How to open a taxi dispatch service

Video: Start Taxi Business | Taxi Dispatch Software | White Label Uber Clone Software | Taxi Startup 2024, July

Video: Start Taxi Business | Taxi Dispatch Software | White Label Uber Clone Software | Taxi Startup 2024, July

If you decide to open a taxi dispatch service, then you have two options. The first is with cars owned by the organization. This is a more complex and costly method. The second is to open only the control room and receive drivers with their own cars. This is a simpler and faster method with the least risk. Many entrepreneurs have recently chosen it.


You will need

  • -program for working with orders;

  • -program for the work of drivers;

  • -room;

  • - cabins for dispatchers;

  • -computers;

  • Phones

  • -CCTV.

Instruction manual


Open a company. It is better to register an emergency providing information services. In the organization’s charter, write down as many different activities as possible. This may be necessary if your idea with the control room does not bear fruit or to expand the list of services provided.


Decide on the program in which orders will be accepted. Their choice is quite large, there is no need to contact programmers and order its writing. This program should display all the necessary information. The date of the call, the cost of the order, the route, the time of arrival of the car, the operator who accepted the order, the driver who completed the order, the make of the car and much more. Test several program options before settling on one.


It would be better if the program will distribute orders between drivers and send SMS notifications to the client. The program does not have to be complicated. Distribute the rights to work in it for various employees. For example, a dispatcher should not be entitled to amend an executed order. But the situations are different. Therefore, for one or two employees, all actions must be allowed.


Do not use walkie-talkies, it is unprofitable and inconvenient. Pick and purchase a program for drivers in which they can work. This program must be installed on a cell phone. In it, drivers need to perform several basic actions. Get on the line, mark on the point, confirm the order, work with it, get off the line. With this program you will save a lot of time and money.


Pick up an office and equip it for work. One room should be for dispatchers. If you plan to develop a business, make it big, install separate booths for dispatchers. Take a telephone line to each. It’s good if you can install video surveillance. In the future, this will help you control their work.


Hire staff. Even for a dispatch service without your own fleet, you will need some employees. Be sure to hire an accountant, you can come. Accept the head of the dispatch service, an employee of the human resources department, a marketer, an employee for working with drivers, a system administrator. The function of director at first is better done independently.


For the first time, you can take a total of 4 dispatchers. Invite people without work experience for an interview and teach them for yourself. Make 4 shifts, one person per shift. Make them a shift schedule. Teach you how to work with the program.


Post job advertisements for drivers with private cars. For the first time, it’s better to make gentle conditions. For example, a small percentage for each executed order. Now you will not be able to provide them with work, so it is better not to assign a daily or weekly fee. Conclude a formal contract with the drivers for the provision of informative services. Download the program in their phone and teach how to use it.


Decide on the tariffs. At first, they should be low. Start advertising about taxis. It is better to choose simple and inexpensive options. For example, advertising on the Internet, distribution of discount coupons or flyers.


Do not expect profit in the first months. The taxi business is very specific. In the best case, after 5-6 months you will be able to reach the level of self-sufficiency. Increase the volume of advertising and work with drivers. If they do not serve customers well, the number of orders will not increase. Every month, improve the quality of services. It is better to attract customers with this, and not dumping or free trips.


In this type of activity the competition is very big. Look for non-standard additional services for clients and try to give original and memorable advertising.

Useful advice

Carefully monitor the work of dispatchers and drivers. The number of regular customers in a taxi depends on them.

Business plan for opening a dispatch service
