
How to organize passenger transportation

How to organize passenger transportation

Video: Maximizing Public Transportation with Some Fairlife Milk | Tutorial | Cities: Skylines 2024, July

Video: Maximizing Public Transportation with Some Fairlife Milk | Tutorial | Cities: Skylines 2024, July

To organize such a popular type of passenger transportation as a taxi service, evaluate all the key points specific to this type of business, and proceed to the paperwork: registration of an enterprise of a certain legal form and obtaining a license.


You will need

  • - registration of the company in the tax office;

  • - license for passenger transportation;

  • - a room for the control room;

  • - fleet of cars;

  • - equipment: communication systems, walkie-talkies, taximeters, etc.

Instruction manual


One of the most popular types of business related to passenger transportation is taxi service. To organize this business, first of all, analyze the taxi services market in your locality: the ability to enter the market, competition parameters, methods of attracting potential customers to conquer the market.


Estimate the desired parameters of the taxi dispatch service: the number of dispatchers and cars (including those who make up their own fleet of cars and drivers who work under an agreement with their cars).


Select the appropriate premises for the location of the control room and garage rooms for your own fleet of vehicles (be sure to conclude a lease for the premises).


Consider the question of providing a taxi service not only with cars, but also with other necessary equipment: radio communication systems, walkie-talkies, taximeters, as well as a telephone number for the control room (preferably multi-channel).


Consider the minimum composition of the office: a director, an accountant, two dispatchers and a paramedic. Determine the number of drivers, taking into account the territory that you are going to serve.


Calculate the costs of opening this type of business, taking into account the data already known to you: car purchase, rental of premises, purchase of radio communications and taximeters, staff salaries. If the necessary funds are available, proceed to registration.


Choose the legal form of organization of the enterprise: individual entrepreneur or limited liability company, register with the tax office.


Get a license to organize passenger transportation and permits for each car in the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport (Gosavtodornadzor), or use the services of intermediary registration firms.


Engage those drivers who are registered as individual entrepreneurs and have insured cars. Execute dispatchers and paramedics to work on a work book or on an employment contract.

Useful advice

To reduce the cost of opening this type of business, for the first time, refuse to buy your own cars, and only hire drivers with personal vehicles.
