
How to organize a tea room

How to organize a tea room

Video: HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR TEA COLLECTION! (A Step by Step Process) 2024, July

Video: HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR TEA COLLECTION! (A Step by Step Process) 2024, July

The teahouse can be traditional Russian, classical Oriental or European democratic. To embody the concept of the institution, you need to know not only the national characteristics of tea drinking.


You will need

Books on national cuisine of the world.

Instruction manual


Gather the co-founders and brainstorm. Its purpose is to develop the basic principles of the tea house. The main questions that need to be clarified: - What target audience would you like to attract? - How to make the institution unique in its kind?


Create a teahouse concept. If this is a place for young people, then bet on mass. It can be a distribution line and several rooms. If you are creating an exclusive tea room with elite teas, you need to pay attention to the level of service. For example, a cook from a tiny Chinese province will have trouble working for you. And all the waitresses will wear the national clothes of China.


Study books with recipes of national cuisine of the peoples of the world. Create a menu. Choose the option for which you have all the necessary resources. For example, if you want to open a tea yurt with national Buryat drinks, then find a supplier of products from Buryatia.


Create a project for the future teahouse - what the interior will look like, what kind of staff you will need. Hire a contractor who will repair the premises in your chosen style. Hire staff and train them in service guidelines. For example, an oriental tea ceremony has a very complex structure. An image of a teahouse can be built on its uniqueness.


Conclude agreements with suppliers of tea blends and products. You can combine a tea cafe and a shop. It is convenient for visitors. They can buy the tea they like or, conversely, try the tea before buying it.


Consider what activities you can attract visitors to. It can be, for example, concerts of ethnic groups or film screenings. Find people in your city who are organizing interesting events. Offer them your site.


Develop interesting offers for visitors on opening days. For example, when buying a samovar of tea - get a set of pretzels as a gift.

Useful advice

The format of coffee houses has taken root well in Russia. To lure customers into a tea room, you can include coffee in the menu.

Your business: give people tea
