Business management

How to write a company mission

How to write a company mission

Video: How to Write a Mission Statement 2024, July

Video: How to Write a Mission Statement 2024, July

The mission of the company is a laconic wording expressing the ideal image of the company in the future. A well-formed mission attracts customers and becomes a kind of visiting card business. Both long-standing organizations and novice companies equally need it. Where to start writing it?


You will need

  • - profiles;

  • - working group.

Instruction manual


If possible, conduct a survey among the employees of the company, what they think of the image of the company, its goals, place in the market of goods, works and services, the future. To do this, it is convenient to send out questionnaires with relevant questions on the local network. If conducting a questionnaire is very difficult, you can do without universal coverage, limiting yourself to interviewing employees in key positions. Experts do not recommend skipping this stage, because in this way you will achieve that the mission will arouse a sense of ownership in the employees, and also get a sea of ​​good ideas and formulations.


Create a working group to write the mission. Evaluate the results of the survey together and brainstorm. Choose some successful formulations that characterize, firstly, your business as a whole, secondly, the ideal image of the company from the point of view of the client, and thirdly, the ideal image of the company from the point of view of its employees. Focus on the direction in which the company will direct its efforts. Highlight target markets. List the services provided by the company, the goods sold, the work performed. Record three indicators of success for your company.


Fill out the following formula: (Company name) + (verb) + (potential customers, target markets) + (location) + (work, services, goods). As a result, you will get an exemplary mission, from which you can build on further searches. Try to find a language that will not lose its relevance in the foreseeable future; will serve as an incentive for the development of the company and at the same time will not be unattainable; emphasize the identity of your company. Well, if the mission will sound beautiful and easy to remember.


After the development and approval of the mission by the leadership of the company, proceed to its active implementation. Use it in advertising articles about the company, in the design of program documents, on the official website. Important decisions made at meetings, test for their compliance with the stated mission.
