
How to find product suppliers

How to find product suppliers

Video: 5 Ways To Find Manufacturers & Suppliers For Your Amazon FBA Product (And No, It’s NOT ALIBABA!) 2024, July

Video: 5 Ways To Find Manufacturers & Suppliers For Your Amazon FBA Product (And No, It’s NOT ALIBABA!) 2024, July

An uninterrupted supply of quality products is the key to the success of any enterprise working in the food sector. Therefore, the choice of suppliers must be approached with particular care.


You will need

  • - recommendations of colleagues;

  • - information on the conditions of supply.

Instruction manual


Start your search for product suppliers by gathering recommendations from your peers. Ask friends who know who supplies them with groceries. Find out how long they have been cooperating with these suppliers, whether deliveries are always on time, and whether there are complaints about the quality of the products.


Based on the recommendations received, make a list of the most reputable and reliable companies. Make it in the form of a table where the names of the companies will be located in the upper columns, and the evaluation criteria (delivery speed, discounts on large wholesale orders, payment of forfeits for low-quality products or late delivery, prices, etc.) will be located in the rows of the leftmost column.


If these companies have official websites where you can familiarize yourself with the price list, then copy yourself the prices for comparison with other companies. For more information, visit their offices.


Analyze the received data. If you have not found suitable conditions (prices are too high, lack of guarantees, etc.), then consider the option of delivering food from wholesale bases without intermediaries. Calculate the number of products your business needs per week. Ask your shipping company for the cost of loading, transporting, and unloading these products. For many small entrepreneurs, this method of delivery is more profitable. In addition, you can personally manage the procurement and delivery process and make adjustments to the assortment and quantity of products on the spot.


If you need suppliers of meat products, you can independently find producers with the best combination of price and quality. Find out if there are farmers in your area who livestock and meat. Prepare a written proposal for their owners, which fully reflect not only all the conditions of your future cooperation, but also the benefits of this transaction. Farmers have difficulty finding access to city markets and are forced to mainly trade through intermediaries. So you have a chance to conclude a profitable contract for the supply of products and support domestic manufacturers.
