
How to find the growth rate

How to find the growth rate

Video: Growth rate 2024, July

Video: Growth rate 2024, July

In order to calculate the growth rate for any financial indicator, it is enough to know its numerical expression at different points in time and be able to apply a simple formula.


Instruction manual


Choose a financial indicator whose growth rate you need to calculate. Remember that the growth rate shows which direction the indicator has changed over time, so you need to know two values, for example, the size of gross revenue 2010 and 2011.


Calculate the growth rate. To do this, divide the indicator of the new period by the indicator of the previous period. Subtract 1 from the resulting value, multiply by 100%. For gross revenue, the formula is as follows:

(Gross revenue 2011 / Gross revenue 2010-1) * 100%.


Do not confuse the growth rate with the growth rate, the latter is calculated by the formula:

(Gross revenue 2011 / Gross revenue 2010) * 100%.

The growth rate always has a positive sign, even if, for example, the gross revenue (or any other financial indicator) fell from 100 conventional rubles in 2010 to 50 in 2011. The calculated growth rate is 50%, and the growth is -50%.


Check yourself. Before calculating the growth rate, compare the financial indicators of the two periods. If the data of the earlier period is more than the later one, it means that there was a real reduction in the studied value, and the growth rate will be negative. On the contrary, if the indicator has grown over time, then the growth rate will have a positive sign.


Please note that you can use the growth rate not only in cases where there are two consecutive in time values ​​of one financial indicator. The growth and growth factors are also calculated to compare data for a specific period of one year, for example, a month or a quarter, with data from the same period of the previous year. That is, you can see if the gross revenue of October 2011 increased compared to the size of the gross revenue of October 2010.

growth rate increase
