
How long will the tax holidays last?

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How long will the tax holidays last?

Video: Sales tax holiday explained - Will's Whiteboard 2024, July

Video: Sales tax holiday explained - Will's Whiteboard 2024, July

Tax holidays will be extended for another 2 years. Such measures have been taken to exempt entrepreneurs from inspections.


A tax holiday of three years will end very soon. The President of the Russian Federation a few days ago extended them for another 2 years. Small and medium-sized businesses for this period are exempt from tax audits.

Grace period

Today, about 500 thousand entrepreneurs enjoy tax holidays. Such an increase in the number of businessmen shows that the measures taken are effective. They contribute to the fruitful work of self-employed citizens. First of all, owners of small and medium-sized businesses are exempted from scheduled inspections. But there are areas where constant monitoring is needed. That is, such areas of activity that affect the safety and life of citizens. Enhanced control will be exercised in relation to enterprises operating in particular sectors. For example, the turnover of metals. In the near future, ministers should take measures to extend the grace period.
