
What firefighters usually check in a cafe

What firefighters usually check in a cafe

Video: Gordon Sets Fire to the Restaurant | Kitchen Nightmares 2024, July

Video: Gordon Sets Fire to the Restaurant | Kitchen Nightmares 2024, July

Fire safety standards for public catering facilities are set out in the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation, as well as SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire Safety of Buildings and Structures" and SNiP 2.08.02-89 "Public Buildings and Structures". Failure to comply with the requirements of these documents entails administrative liability.


Instruction manual


The main causes of fires in bars, restaurants and cafes are most often violations of the rules for operating kitchen equipment. Sometimes a fire can occur due to wiring problems. In any case, personnel should be able to correctly and timely respond to the current situation. In this regard, it is necessary to have instructions on fire safety measures for each specific room, taking into account its features. Such an instruction is drawn up by the head or person responsible for fire safety in accordance with the requirements of Section XVIII of the Rules of the Fire Prevention in the Russian Federation. A separate instruction must be provided for each production or warehouse.


The head of the enterprise is required to undergo training in the fire-technical minimum. But employees can be trained in basic fire safety standards through coaching. It may vary in time and nature. There are introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted briefings. Each of them is reflected in a single magazine of briefings, where employees must sign. If the institution operates around the clock, you must draw up instructions for a night stay. In this case, an evacuation plan is made with a photoluminescent coating. If the bar or restaurant is open only during the day, the usual evacuation plan is sufficient. The main thing is to place it in a conspicuous place.


Any room, including the premises of public catering, must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means. The person responsible for the acquisition, repair, and safety of fire extinguishers keeps a record of their availability in a free form magazine. The serial number is applied to the body of the fire extinguisher in white paint. The number, type of fire extinguishers and their recharge rates can be determined in accordance with Section XIX of the "Fire Prevention Rules". Here in Appendix No. 1 also shows the table "Norms for providing facilities with hand-held fire extinguishers."


In accordance with Fire Safety Standards 110-03, the premises of restaurants and cafes should be equipped with an automatic fire alarm system and a warning system for people in case of fire. Its type depends on the number of visitors. If the room is located in the basement or basement, pits should be provided there. They serve to remove smoke and other dangerous fire factors in case of fire. In the absence of pits, such rooms should be equipped with a forced smoke removal system.


The State Fire Inspector will also check for an agreement to service the air ducts of other ventilation systems. Some organizations do this on their own. In this case, it is necessary to have an appropriate order, where the deadlines for cleaning from accumulation of dust and fat deposits will be established. As well as the person responsible for the timeliness and accuracy of this process.

  • NPB 110-03 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms"
  • "The rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation (approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390)"
  • SNiP 21-01-97 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures"
  • SNiP 2.08.02-89 * “Fire safety of buildings and structures”
