Business management

Outsourcing Accounting

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Outsourcing Accounting

Video: Outsourcing Accounting : Key Things About Outsourcing Accounting Work 2024, July

Video: Outsourcing Accounting : Key Things About Outsourcing Accounting Work 2024, July

Outsourcing of accounting functions is increasingly practiced by Russian entrepreneurs. This is due to a number of advantages that a business organization has with the conclusion of accounting for external services.


Benefits and limitations of outsourced accounting

In Western practice, the scheme in which accounting functions are transferred to a third-party company is quite popular. In Russia, for the time being, they prefer to use the services of full-time accountants. Meanwhile, interest in outsourcing services has increased significantly during the crisis period in the economy. The fact is that the main task in this period was to maximize cost optimization. And the result of the conclusion of accounting for outsourcing is the minimization of costs for the wage fund and the content of staff accountants. This has led to an increase in the attractiveness of outsourcing among both large holdings and small companies.

It has accounting for outsourcing and other advantages. This, in particular, improving the quality and reliability of reporting, minimizing the costs of the organizational aspects of accounting. That allows management to focus on key aspects of business development, as he needs to monitor the outcome, not the process.

Outsourcing accounting allows you to simplify the process of tax audits, tax inspectors will interact with the contracting company. Also, external accountants cannot get sick or go on maternity leave at the most inopportune moment.

However, while Russian companies are quite wary of outsourcing of accounting services. This is due to the need to transfer confidential data to an external company. It should be noted that the transfer of accounting to outsourcing is possible only if the preparation of "white" reporting.

The outsourcing model can also lead to a decrease in the speed of obtaining the necessary information, therefore it is not very popular in large holdings. With a significant number of transactions, such accounting can cost more than regular.
