
Small Business Ideas

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Small Business Ideas

Video: Top 20 Best Small Business Ideas for Beginners in 2020 2024, July

Video: Top 20 Best Small Business Ideas for Beginners in 2020 2024, July

In settlements with a population of 100, 000 to 300, 000 inhabitants, citizens receive fairly low salaries, as a result of which there is a certain ceiling for purchasing power for business. When choosing a business idea, one should take into account the limited flow of customers and focus on the main consumer demand.


Grocery store

A small grocery store will consistently make a profit and be in demand among residents of nearby houses. Opening costs will amount to about 8000000-1000000 rubles, and net profit may vary in the region of 30000-80000 rubles per month.

Revenues of small stores largely depend on the quality and quantity of the assortment of goods. Great attention needs to be paid to monitoring the expiration dates of products and striving for a high service level. If there is always fresh goods on the shelves, and the seller is friendly and polite, then the store will have an impeccable reputation and stable customer demand.

When choosing a location within a radius of 250-500 meters, it is desirable that there are no competitors (food stores), especially large supermarkets. At the same time, more successful trading can be expected if the store is located in the vicinity of multi-storey residential buildings.

In your store you can place organic food on a separate counter. For this, it is necessary to conclude a contract for the supply of home products with peasant farms. So you can attract an additional category of buyers who appreciate fresh milk, homemade cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese.
