Business management

How much is your client?

How much is your client?

Video: Clients Say, "How much is it?" And You Say, "..." 2024, July

Video: Clients Say, "How much is it?" And You Say, "..." 2024, July

If you want to effectively manage your business, consider key indicators! This is not only a way to identify the true effectiveness of the business, but also the opportunity to fix it if the company loses momentum.


- How much is your client?

I ask this question to entrepreneurs who turned to me for consulting services, and I meet only a perplexed look:

- Who knows!

- Yes, somehow did not consider

- And how to find out?

- Why do you need this?

Here is a series of familiar answers. Over the past year, only ONE business leader was able to provide the necessary statistics.

Meanwhile, we all understand well: it is impossible to control what is not calculated. If we do not track the conversion of each advertising source, it means that most of the budget merges into a void. If we do not have information about how much the attraction of a new customer is more expensive than the retention of the old, we will not strive to improve service, product quality, train staff, build a customer focus system in the company. The majority of customers will be “disposable” rather than permanent, forcing the business manager and marketer to come up with more and more new ideas for attracting customers to the business.

The first thing I start working in consulting with is measuring the main indicators. The entire management team of the company with interest and share of malice is watching this process, but how does the expression of the faces of these people change when we get specific numbers! It often turns out that the cost of a new customer is almost equal to the amount of the purchase made by him, after which, as I said above, he leaves the company forever. Is it any wonder that the business operates almost to zero, from time to time slipping into minus?

Meanwhile, it is not at all difficult to bring a company balancing at the breakeven point into a good plus. For this, three components should be analyzed and adjusted: the quality of the product or service, the work of the staff, and the effectiveness of advertising. High-quality work on these three "pillars" is guaranteed to increase business revenue by 30-50%. In my practice, there are frequent cases when the above measures, reinforced by the introduction of Wow Service and after-sales customer support, doubled the company's profit.

So, what indicators should be considered constantly in your business?

· The number of customers who responded to the advertisement (potential customers);

· The number of customers who made a purchase thanks to this advertisement;

· The average check of purchases per day, week, month, quarter, year;

· Number of purchases (transactions);


Knowing at least this minimum number of indicators, you can take timely measures to increase the "sagging zones" and do not let your business lose momentum.

Elena Trigub.
