Business management

Low Budget Marketing: Creative and Effective

Low Budget Marketing: Creative and Effective

Video: Guerilla Marketing: Shockingly Great Marketing On A Small Budget 2024, June

Video: Guerilla Marketing: Shockingly Great Marketing On A Small Budget 2024, June

Marketing without costs is the dream of any entrepreneur, however, not all companies use it in their work: this requires innovative thinking, creativity and the ability to see opportunities where others do not see them. In this article, I give examples of low-budget marketing of world famous companies that have appreciated this strategy.


If you imagine any business as a building, then its foundation will be the totality of the material base, personnel and clientele, which from time to time becomes more demanding. Without attracting new customers and quality work with them, sooner or later even the most successful business will go downhill, as the profit will be minimal. Marketers are developing new strategies that allow large companies to make small investments in advertising and in promoting their products.

However, the cost of these strategies themselves translates into an astronomical figure, which is unbearable for firms just starting their own business. Due to this fact, people begin to look for ways to attract customers that are based on a minimum budget. A bonus to the strategy of low-budget marketing can be considered brand recognition, which, in turn, is also a challenging factor.

The current market situation is such that competition in different areas of production, services and sales is increasing every day. This occurs for several reasons:

1. Manufacturers / shops / service providers bring their little zest to the product, thinking that it will be necessary for the buyer.

2. There are new strategies for acquiring goods at a lower purchase price.

3. Demand creates supply.

However, all 3 reasons (in fact, there are more) do not take into account the fact that the client, having used the service once or bought a product, simply will no longer need it: there are a great many companies oriented to the “one-time client”. And, as a result, there is a problem with a shortage of buyers. Being at the initial point of development, entrepreneurs think about the question: how to develop your business and give it a boost to the world of constant profit? The answer is simple: attract new customers.

The main factor in attracting new customers is advertising. But, unfortunately, few companies provide this expense item, and if it is, the budget is negligible. Advertising money most often goes to the graphs of raw material costs, staff, costs, etc. Beginning businessmen do not think about the fact that in the age of information technology, in addition to the well-known word of mouth, a reputable company needs a well-advanced website, TV ads, affiliate programs, radio and Internet ads. All this costs a lot of money, because it needs constancy and ubiquity.

In a crisis, the clientele issue is particularly important, as people are reluctant to spend money on anything, in particular on goods and services that are quite expensive. But how to attract the attention of the buyer, if the budget is minimal and was not provided in advance?

There is a solution: low-budget marketing.

Low-budget marketing is a marketing strategy aimed at increasing the flow of potential buyers by attracting minimal cash.

Why do businessmen turn to low-budget marketing?

There are many reasons, but the three main ones are:

1. The cost of advertising has exhausted itself or has not been declared at all;

2. Force majeure situation, which forces us to take emergency measures (this is especially true in conditions of loss or falling profits);

3. They want to get more by investing less.

The third point is the desire of every businessman. Large companies believe that having invested a large amount of money in advertising once and having received a universal formula for attracting customers, they will always be recognizable and in demand by the buyer in the market.

Now it is not necessary to invest big money in the purchase of strategies, since almost all of them have been studied and presented as examples in business literature, trainings and expert master classes.

Who benefits from low-budget marketing?

This is the most common question that most business people ask. There are three types of business: small, medium and large.

Undoubtedly, for a small business, marketing of this type is a great opportunity to express themselves by investing a minimum of funds. Advertising costs are significantly reduced several times, and efficiency is growing.

For medium-sized businesses, low-budget marketing is the main strategy for the development and popularization of a product or service. The costs of this type of advertising are proportional to a significant increase in clientele and recognition.

For large businesses, such a marketing strategy will be an assistant that will help to attract attention. It will also be an excellent move in relation to those customers who cannot be convinced with ordinary advertising.

Who uses low-budget marketing?

This strategy has attracted the attention of absolutely all companies of our time. Still, who is not interested in getting more and paying less? Next, we will look at popular companies, and give examples of strategies that they use.

1. Barter. This strategy is the collaboration of two particularly large companies, which is based on the interchange and complement each other's line of goods and services. Such a development strategy is used by many domestic companies, one of them is Rosinter.

2. Door advertising. The essence of this technique is simple - the company makes printed products and hangs it on the door handles in the region where the company / firm / business is located. This type of low-budget marketing is most in demand in the niche of small businesses, such as a cafe that delivers food to your home. Now the famous restaurant chain ILPatio uses this type of strategy.

3. Free SMS newsletter. This is a type of communication between a seller and a potential client who carry out network and non-network clothing stores. Well-known retailers such as Letoile, O'STIN clothing stores, etc., are examples of this.

4. Application on street objects. Here the costs are limited only by paint and stencil. In the conditions of one or more cities, such advertising will be very effective. As for the popular user of such a marketing strategy, here you can cite the example of Nike, which leaves everyone with their famous logo and the word Run (run) on benches in all parks of the world. In addition to brand recognition, here you can also see the motivation that encourages people to act. In Russia, on a pedestrian zebra, you can see an advertisement for Mr.Propper cleaner.

5. Stickers. This strategy is popular with both large and small businesses. Entering the store, especially in a huge shopping center, on the floor we see stickers with signs, where the name of the store is most often present. Auchan stores use this strategy to attract customers.

6. Business cards. This marketing ploy, as many might have thought, relates to printed matter, but not. Modern designers came up with business cards that are made of different materials, such as PVC. On such a business card can be written a phone, a website, how to get through and hours of work, but it can be done in accordance with the specification of the place. For example, the company FLOW makes a kind of advertising due to the bendable material, similar to a yoga mat.

Low-budget advertising contributes not only to increasing customers, but also to brand recognition, and also encourages action, which significantly affects incoming customer flow and increased profits. The main thing in low-budget advertising is to interest the buyer and stimulate him to action.

In my practice of business consulting, it was low-budget advertising that had the highest conversion. You can achieve the same results!
