
Clothing store: how to create a business from scratch

Clothing store: how to create a business from scratch

Video: How to Start a Handmade Clothing Business 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Handmade Clothing Business 2024, July

At first glance, the clothing trade is one of the easiest types of business - compared to the restaurant business or, for example, with the opening of a real estate agency, law or other firms. In principle, it is, but still this business requires certain knowledge and experience, and besides, it is quite competitive, which must also be taken into account.


Instruction manual


First of all, you should analyze the existing shops of the city. What goods are abundant, which is not enough, the "pros" and "cons" of design, location and level of service personnel. After that, select the target audience for your store and the style of clothing that will be available on the shelves.


Then you need to choose a place where the store will be located. It should be walk-through, for example, in the city center. To make the store recognizable, it is better to make it located separately from other outlets. Another successful location option is in a shopping center, which will ensure an influx of customers, as well as save money on advertising.


Next, you need to do design development, while you can and should show imagination, while taking into account the chosen clothing format. There are many different design options: from the youth informal underground style to expensive and chic glamor. Then proceed with the repair and purchase of equipment: racks, hangers, mannequins, mirrors, cash register. Also, audio equipment does not interfere with pleasant music in the store that matches its format.


Today, there are quite a lot of wholesale suppliers of clothes representing a certain brand. At first glance, the choice on the market in the field of clothing is quite wide, however, choosing something different from that presented by competitors is far from easy. Therefore, it is advisable to attend thematic exhibitions, and also use the Internet for search. At the same time, you can opt for well-known brands or promote new ones, purchase domestic or imported clothing. Alternatively, you can open a stylish franchise clothing store using the brand already known on the market and giving part of the profit to its owners.


You also need to consider advertising aimed at the target audience of the store. For example, this function can be performed by outdoor advertising (window dressing, signboard, etc.), advertising in print media, on radio or local television, mailing lists, distribution of souvenir products, flyers and leaflets on the streets. In addition, buyers should be informed of new seasonal arrivals, sales and discounts.


Care should be taken in recruiting staff. To start with, in a small store, you need two cashiers, replacing each other, sales assistants in the trading room (outgoing, with clear diction and nice appearance) and a security guard. Personnel need to create motivation in the form of a salary that directly depends on the volume of sales.


After solving all organizational issues, you just have to decide on the date of opening the store, which you should inform customers in advance through advertising. Directly on the opening day, you can also arrange special promotions with discounts and gifts in order to attract buyers.

informative magazine "SchoolZhizni.ru"
