Business management

Crisis: 6 steps to business survival!

Crisis: 6 steps to business survival!

Video: The Seven "C's" Of Leadership During The Coronavirus Crisis 2024, July

Video: The Seven "C's" Of Leadership During The Coronavirus Crisis 2024, July

A huge mistake is to perform the same actions, while expecting to get different results. Often, company leaders in the era of prosperity and in difficult times use the same management tools. In this article I tell you exactly what steps will keep the business afloat, survive the crisis and prepare for future growth.


Everyone is talking about the crisis, but how does it affect your business?

The number of new customers is decreasing? Are regular customers returning less and less? Is the average bill decreasing? Suppliers raised prices? Logistics has risen in price? Is it harder to get a loan? Are employees demoralized, lost heart, gloomy moods in the team?

If all this is about your business, read the article to the end. Perhaps you will find something useful for yourself, you can apply some of the recommendations that I provide in it and correct the existing situation.

So, 6 steps to survive in a crisis:

1. Cost optimization.

No wonder they say: "I didn’t spend it - I earned it!" What can and should be saved:

On inefficient staff. Indeed, a crisis is a time when a business gets rid of those employees who do not develop and strengthen it, playing the role of ballast. The burden of the laid-off employee is distributed among the remaining employees for a small increase in salary. The bulk of the salary of the laid-off employee remains in the company's budget. Additional savings are taxes and other deductions that the business no longer pays for it. At current expenses. The introduction of tight control over expenses (transportation costs, stationery, household chemicals, utilities, etc.) brings a quick result. At the awards to staff. If bonuses in your business are tied to sales or net profit, a decrease in these indicators forces you to refuse to pay bonuses. On the procurement and transportation of materials. In times of crisis, it’s worth expanding your usual boundaries and considering looking for other suppliers, carriers, and more budget materials of the same quality. At corporate events. Do not give up holidays in general, this will further undermine the morale of the team. But to replace a trip to an expensive restaurant with a trip to the countryside, a visit to a bowling club or a party at the workplace is quite possible.

2. Remediation of staff.

In the literal sense, rehabilitation is a recovery. In a crisis, it is necessary not only to get rid of negligent employees, but also to activate those that remain.

This goal is achieved through: - corporate training, - revising and strengthening the motivation system, - constantly searching and hiring the most valuable, effective employees.

Crisis time leads to the closure of companies and frees up personnel that could only be dreamed of in calmer periods of the economy. Do not miss the opportunity to attract them to your business.

Personnel training is always effective, but during a crisis it is especially necessary. Your employees must possess the most effective techniques for attracting and retaining customers, have the skills to use them.

The motivation system is a topic that is very difficult to disclose in this article, but one thing is certain: in a crisis, the stick should be longer and the carrot should be sweeter!

3. Strengthening advertising!

The most common mistake made by managers is to cut their advertising budget in difficult times. What does such a policy lead to? The number of new customers has already decreased, profit has decreased. The lack of advertising will lead to the fact that your company will be forgotten, and the customer flow will completely run out. And this threatens to destroy the business.

If you kept track of the effectiveness of advertising media, redistribute the advertising budget. Invest more in media that brings you the lion's share of customers. Get rid of ineffective advertising sources. Strengthen guerrilla marketing if there is not enough advertising money. The main thing is not to let customers forget about you!

If accounting has not been done, it's time to start doing it. Proper advertising is not just about expenses. This is your investment in future profits.

4. Improving the quality of goods and services.

Easy to say, hard to do! Yes, I understand that. But staying one of the many in a crisis is a losing strategy. All resources should be activated to become one of the best companies in their segment. Quality is provided mainly by goods and people. Attracting the most effective personnel to your business, training employees and finding the best materials and resources is the minimum from which you can start, striving for excellence.

Take a closer look at your business processes: what can be improved right now to ensure a higher quality of goods or services?

5. Improving the quality of service.

Quality service is no less important, and maybe even more than a quality product. The client can forgive you for the lack of goods, if you apologize, replace the goods and give the buyer a bonus for moral damage. But he will not forgive the rudeness and indifference of your employees.

Good service is a clear fulfillment of its obligations to the customer, compliance with the terms, price, subject of sale. This is the cordiality and courtesy of your staff, the desire to make the purchase process comfortable, and the result is superior to his expectations. This is attention to the client even after the transaction has taken place. This is an emphasis on every little thing, because in the matter of high-quality customer service there are no trifles.

How satisfied are your customers with the service you provide? Crisis - time to find out and raise your bar!

6. Introduction of a customer loyalty system.

This item directly follows from the previous one. But I deliberately highlighted it to emphasize the need for the introduction of the SYSTEM, and not one-time measures for the mood of a particular employee. Think, talk with your customers: perhaps they want something more than your banal discount card? Probably those of them who have been using your services for a long time or buying goods would like personal attention signs for their dedication to your business?

If you segmented regular customers, then you know which of them returns to you more often than others, who leaves the most substantial amount for a visit, and who recommends you to their friends and acquaintances. A well-established loyalty system in the company is a civilized way to reward and thank these people!

I hope this article has been helpful to you. If you find some valuable ideas in it, implement them right now! I wish your business not only survive the crisis, but also achieve success and prosperity!

Elena Trigub.
