Business management

What are the intangible motivation methods

What are the intangible motivation methods

Video: Intangible Assets explained 2024, July

Video: Intangible Assets explained 2024, July

Sooner or later, the leader understands that the “ruble” is far from always the best way to motivate. Salaries in similar areas and in people with the same level of training are rarely significantly different. And rarely, what budget can withstand regular and significant increases in salary - small allowances are most often perceived negatively by employees. Intangible motivation - this is what will help to unite the team, increase labor efficiency and reduce staff turnover.


Promotion should be helpful

It is worth remembering that non-material motivation is not a bonus that everyone can spend at their discretion. Distribution of benefits should be appropriate and timely. Otherwise, you can get the opposite reaction: "It would be better if they wrote out the prize." Optimally, if the head or employees of the personnel department select for each employee something special. This rule also applies to corporate gifts, otherwise the phrase that the team is one big family will remain a toast.

More freedom - more efficiency.

Even if employees manage to complete their tasks on time, and read the rest of the time, sit on social networks, no one will tell you about this. Make a revolution: if an employee performs the necessary amount of work in a short time without sacrificing quality, then you can offer him additional paid weekends or a shorter work schedule. If the features of the work do not allow “leaving the office empty” - plan the work schedule so that one of the competent specialists is always there.

In addition, employees often agree on a substitution with each other, letting go of their colleagues for a couple of hours. Do not “break” the working mechanism, allow employees to solve such problems on their own, however, having started a journal of absences. Everything will remain in place, but the person will not be nervous about: "The authorities will notice the absence." The authorities will always notice - another question is how it will react to this. It is worthwhile to ensure that mutual assistance does not exceed the boundaries of what is permitted.

Use your free time efficiently.

Webinars, continuing education courses can be combined with the workflow. This method is especially good if the specialist can not give additional days off or shorten the working day. Invite the team to sign up for classes that interest them. This can be a study of foreign languages, trainings or distance learning. The baggage of knowledge and skills among employees is growing - the company is booming.

No partying

The time has already passed when the quality of corporate parties was measured by the amount of alcohol consumed. Many at home are waiting for business, care, and possibly a side job. Not everyone has enough time for entertainment. If the company's budget allows and you want a bright holiday - combine it with a trip to the resort. Many hotels, including Russian ones, offer corporate recreation services, including training seminars and discussions with invited experts.

Five Secrets of Intangible Motivation

1. Do not ignore the suggestions of employees. Be sure to pay attention to the team if you used the ideas of a particular employee.

2. Be open to the team, because you are one big family.

3. Form involvement in the company, inviting, for example, ordinary managers to the planning meeting.

4. Use those skills that the employee appreciates in himself, even if this does not apply to his competence. It is possible that in the end this employee will occupy a different position and will begin to work more productively.

5. Periodically change employee status. This does not mean that you need to give more rights or change his actual position. Hotel projects that enhance status are an excellent motivation tool.

And the last: know how to be grateful. Letters, letters of appreciation, a record in the workplace, references to the press, signed souvenirs are just a few of the many ways to express gratitude.
