
How to register a site

How to register a site

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In Russia, a huge number of people are members of any garden partnerships and have a garden or a summer house. Sooner or later they are faced with the problem that the cottage needs to be privatized, and they do not know how to register the site.

The registration process itself is not very complicated, but it requires knowledge of a large number of bureaucratic nuances and laws. Therefore, if you do not want to submit documents several times and thereby extend the registration for an indefinite period, first carefully study the requirements for this procedure.

  1. First you need to contact your gardening partnership with its chairman. In addition to telling him how to register the site, the head of the company should give you the following documents: a certificate that confirms the location of your cottage in accordance with the general plan. In addition to it, a copy from the master plan with the designation of the boundaries of the site is attached. If there is a building on your site, the chairman will issue a certificate of compliance of the constructed building with the general development plan.
  2. After receiving these documents, you write an application to register your site and submit it to private ownership. They must be contacted by the district executive committee in which the cooperative is registered. They must issue a permit application to start land management.
  3. After obtaining a permit for land management, you need to contact the organization for land management, which has a license to carry out all the necessary procedures for registering a land plot. The average time for making a case is 2 months from the day you filed the application. Although, given the bureaucracy and the slow work of all our executive state institutions, it can drag on for another 2-3 months.
  4. After receiving the land management business, you need to go to the district office or some of the branches of the Agency for State Registration and Land Cadastre. There you get a certificate of state registration of a land plot, a technical passport for your garden house or other major buildings (if they are, of course), a certificate of state registration of other suburban real estate. To do this, you need to submit a package of documents, which includes a passport, land management, a certificate from the chairman of your garden partnership on the compliance of the building on the site with the general development plan (if the building was commissioned before May 8, 2003), the decision of the executive committee on land allocation
