
How to register an audit firm

How to register an audit firm

If your business plans are not yet included in your plans, but you want to be aware of all the changes in the Russian market, open an audit firm. This will help you earn good capital and understand all the intricacies of modern market relations.


Instruction manual


Get a qualification certificate if you have the appropriate education (legal, economic), or by providing a certificate of completion of the courses of auditors in the state training center. In addition, experience is required as an auditor, accountant, etc. not less than 3 years.


Since by law such a company can only be opened by a certified auditor, provided that 51% of the company's shares will belong to him. So if for some reason you cannot get a qualification, then make an oral or written contract with an auditor with a certificate.


Register a legal entity and receive a PSRN at the local branch of the tax service, as well as receive the appropriate OKVED codes.


In the constituent documents indicate the type of activity of your company ("audit"). Your organization should be included not only in the register. Within 3 months, enter information about your audit firm in the register of auditors and audit organizations.


Register with MRI a sketch of the seal of your company, providing copies of the constituent documents of the company certified by a notary, copies of the PSRN and Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified copies of passports of the owners of the organization, OKVED codes.


Buy or rent office space for your company. Get positive opinions from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.


Having collected all the necessary documents, you will receive a license for the implementation of audit services, by sending documents to the local branch of the Department of Audit Organization at the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and paying the state duty. The package of documents includes: - copies of the constituent documents of the company, certified by a notary;

- certified copies of certificates (PSRN, MCI, TIN), statistics codes of OKVED

- information about the details of the bank in which the company accounts are located;

- protocol of the order on the appointment of the general director of the company;

- A list of all officials of the organization

- certified copies of diplomas of education, as well as certificates of certification of auditors and officials;

- certified copies of their passports and work books.

The license is valid for 5 years from the day it was received.
