
How to make money growing chinchillas

How to make money growing chinchillas

Video: Business idea. Breeding chinchillas on fur 2024, July

Video: Business idea. Breeding chinchillas on fur 2024, July

Small animals are inferior in size to rabbits, but their fur is valued much higher. If you approach the matter wisely, the income from breeding chinchillas can be very substantial.


Chinchilla breeding business is gaining more and more popularity in Russia and abroad. These animals are very prolific and unpretentious. They do not suffer from diseases characteristic of rabbits, which can literally destroy the entire population. You can also save on vaccines. On farms where chinchillas are grown, they are aggressive. But at home, chinchilla can become a person’s best friend. These animals can be raised even in a small apartment. If you plan to profit from breeding chinchillas, get four females and a male. Each chinchilla in a year will bring four babies. At what price to sell offspring - you decide. But chinchillas are many times more expensive than rabbits, since expensive fur coats are sewn from their fur. Here are just some of the benefits of breeding chinchillas.

1. The animal has a modest appetite, eats 20 times less than a rabbit. The diet must necessarily include vegetables, seeds, hay and twigs.

2. Chinchillas do not smell. Remove cells in time, change the litter from sawdust. Animals love to swim in the sand, so put them baths for games.

3. Your pets will bring you first offspring in seven months.

4. Chinchillas are centenarians. Even a ten-year-old chinchilla is capable of breeding.

5. Chinchilla can become a member of the family, like a dog. If you deal with it and feed it with your hands, it becomes a gullible and loving animal.

To make a profit from your business, considerable amounts are needed. That is, it is necessary to build several dozen cells and purchase a large population. If you have a creative vein, then you can arrange sewing fur coats from chinchillas at home. To do this, open the IP. The cost of a chinchilla fur coat reaches 50 thousand euros. Therefore, such a business idea for breeding chinchillas can bring income if you approach the matter professionally and with love.
