
How to make money to a photographer

How to make money to a photographer

Video: HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH PHOTOGRAPHY - Things I wish I knew 2024, July

Video: HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH PHOTOGRAPHY - Things I wish I knew 2024, July

In the modern world, the camera has ceased to be something unusual or unattainable luxury. Devices are becoming easier to use, and automatic shooting allows you to take photos at a very decent level, even without special knowledge. In fact, today the photographer is required to understand the basics of composition, and automation will take care of the exposure and other technical aspects. In view of this, the amount of earnings of photographers decreased. However, aspiring photographers still believe that you can easily build a whole business in photography. There are indeed options for earning in this area, but the amount of income received has declined.


Instruction manual


The first simple way to earn extra money in photography is to use the so-called photo stocks. Special services on the Internet allow you to sell your photos with a limited license for use in advertising or for design. The complexity of this method is obvious. A large number of competitors, whose work often compares favorably in quality, and relatively small demand. After all, today there are a huge number of free sites with photos. Therefore, it is not worth waiting for a large income.


The next option for profit is the organization of seasonal thematic photo shoots. Find a beautiful photo studio and constantly work with it, buying a certificate for a long-term rental at a discount. If you set a small fee for your services and take decent photos, then with a large flow of people who want to get beautiful New Year or Christmas photos, your services may be in demand. In addition, you will sell studio rental hours at a retail price. It is important to understand that seasonal demand is quickly ending, and with a diverse supply of photographers in the market, it will be very difficult to attract customers. It may happen that during the season you spend only a few shootings and can only pay for the rent of the studio.



Wedding work for the photographer was and will probably remain the main source of profit. Wedding photographers are asking for huge fees for their services. At the same time, it is sometimes almost impossible for poor people to organize wedding photography. Playing on the balance of quality and price, you can attract a large number of customers with a limited budget. It must be remembered that in the wedding market the biggest competition. Attracting customers will be very difficult, so consider advertising channels in advance. Do not forget about a good portfolio and lay out whole series of photo works from each wedding.



Often in articles about earnings for the photographer it is recommended to look for options for cooperation with print media or projects on the Internet. To find such cooperation is almost impossible. However, considering it is very useful. If you suddenly manage to conclude a profitable contract, then this will be a real permanent job, as well as a solid replenishment of the portfolio.



The lack of large orders can be compensated by group surveys at an affordable price. If you manage to collaborate with a school or kindergarten, then just a few standard shootings will bring you a monthly salary. But do not forget that the days of actively attracting clients through communication with the school principal have now passed and it will be very difficult to look for such clients.



Neither a good site, nor promotion of a group on social networks, nor word-of-mouth radio practically affect the demand. All the old tips are no longer relevant, and there are not so many customer returns. If you still decide to do the photo business, then you should consider the options described above and be prepared to spend money on advertising. It is not necessary that in the first months you will be able to earn a living. It is necessary to strive for high professionalism and a minimum price for services. Then you have every chance to make money on the art of photography.

Useful advice

Choosing the profession of a photographer for yourself, you need to understand that you should not count on easy money. The situation in the photography market is now difficult, and the number of offers significantly exceeds the amount of demand. That is why, without possessing phenomenal shooting abilities and great love for the process, it is better not to start work in this direction. You have a long way to go, but you can achieve the goal.
