Business management

How to fill out the bidding form-1

How to fill out the bidding form-1

Video: Basic PPMO Egp Bid process In Nepal/ how to bid tender ठेक्का हाल्ने प्रक्रिया 2019 (volume - 1) 2024, June

Video: Basic PPMO Egp Bid process In Nepal/ how to bid tender ठेक्का हाल्ने प्रक्रिया 2019 (volume - 1) 2024, June

At each enterprise, upon receipt of the goods, storekeepers accept it. They need to fill out the Torg-1 form. This is an act of acceptance of goods in quantity and quality. This form was approved by Decree No. 132 of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 12.25.98. The acceptance certificate form can be downloaded at


You will need

form of the Torg-1 form, documents of the supplier, pen, calculator, scales for the goods, delivered goods.

Instruction manual


On the first sheet of the act, the storekeeper writes the full name of the organization, the name of the structural unit in which the goods are accepted. The basis for drawing up the act is the order or instruction of the head of the structural unit. The acceptance certificate is assigned a number and a date that corresponds to the date of receipt of the goods at the warehouse. The number and date of the accompanying document, according to which the supplier released the goods from their warehouse, is indicated. The storekeeper accepting the goods shall enter the name, address and contact phone number of the consignor, supplier, manufacturer, and insurance company. Often, the supplier of the goods is also the shipper, as commercial firms practice delivering to customers themselves.


The storekeeper shall indicate the date and number of the contract for the supply of goods, a veterinary certificate, if the delivered goods are food. The time of the beginning and end of acceptance of the goods is entered in the corresponding table.


On the second page of the act, the storekeeper indicates the name of the goods, unit of measure, price, amount, VAT, net weight, gross in accordance with the delivery documents, with the goods actually accepted. If there is a difference between the actual availability of the goods and the availability according to the supplier, the storekeeper enters it in the corresponding fields of the act. The storekeeper shall indicate the reasons for the shortage, if any, at the time of acceptance of the goods, the method of acceptance of the goods, the state of packaging of the goods at the time of acceptance.


The acceptance certificate is signed by the chairman of the acceptance committee and its members, indicating their position, surname and initials. The commission writes a conclusion on the acceptance of goods. The representative of the shipper indicates the details of the document proving his identity, his position, puts a signature, surname and initials.


The act of acceptance of the goods is transferred to the accounting department, where, after reading it, it is signed by the chief accountant of the enterprise. The head, in turn, writes his decision on the results of the acceptance of the goods, puts a signature and the date of signing of this document. After acceptance, the goods arrive at the warehouse and are transferred for safekeeping to materially responsible persons. The warehouse manager signs the act, indicating his name and initials.
