
How to close the company in 2017

How to close the company in 2017

Video: How to close company in Pakistan - Easy exit scheme secp 2024, July

Video: How to close company in Pakistan - Easy exit scheme secp 2024, July

All commercial enterprises are created for profit. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out, and there is a need to close the company. This raises the question of how to do this correctly so that new problems do not arise. Some small businesses simply stop paying taxes and reporting, in the hope that they will be forgotten. As a rule, this leads to large penalties.


Instruction manual


If you have time and money, officially liquidate the company. This process will take from six months to two years. But your company will completely cease its activities, you will have no successors, respectively, your rights and obligations will not be transferred to anyone.


If you are "running out of time", resort to one of the methods of the so-called alternative liquidation of the enterprise - reorganize the company by merging it with another. After the merger of the two enterprises, a new legal entity will be created. All rights and obligations will pass to him, and old enterprises will be considered non-existent.


If you have two enterprises, close one enterprise by joining it to another. In this case, only one of your companies will function. All rights and obligations of the joined company will be transferred to it.


If you did not conduct business, and you have no debts to the budget and creditors, sell the company.

Make out the sale of the enterprise. Change the composition of the founders, elect a new director and appoint another chief accountant. As a result of such an operation, all responsibility for further activities will pass to the new owners. This is the fastest way to close a legal entity. In addition, when selling a “clean” (no debt) company, you can make good money.


Whatever method of closing the enterprise you choose, use the services of specialists. This will help you save money, health and a lot of time.
